
Floyd mayweather vs Big show in real fight? who would win?

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if floyd mayweather and big show fight for real who would win?

i am not talking about fake wrestling, i think Big show can win in real fight because he is much bigger than floyd and he has extremely reach advantages and i think big show can bully floyd. floyd is professional boxer he barely can reach big shows face..




  1. Show would

  2. big show would win! but if mayweather was taller and heavier he would slaughter big show!mayweather is very hard for size!and could knock out any everyday guy, but bigshow aint an every day guy!hes stronger,can hit harder and  when he grabs you, ya ******!

  3. mayweather would lose the strength difference is to great. big show's hands are as big as mayweathers chest.

  4. I'd give  a  60% chance that  Big Show would beat Floyd, but it wouldn't be easy, he'd have to catch PBF first.

  5. First of all, to everyone who thinks Mayweather can't hit as hard because of his size....ur crazy. This is a professional fighter. He can hit as hard as probably the avg. 300+ lbs. man.(most street fighters don't punch correctly, are wild, and don't have good form.) Plus, hes WAY faster and probably can throw 3-4 punches in the avg time the normal man can throw 1....He also can dodge punches like it ain't nothing. Big Show would seem super slow 2 him!!.....Now in Big Show's defense, if he could grab on to him real close or take him down to the ground then he would probably destroy him. But toe to toe in a fist fight Show would be in trouble!!....In a fist fight size don't matter. (it helps a lot, but don't mean nothing) I'm a amateur boxer that weighs around 168 lbs. and I spar with 140- 210+ lbs. and I can hit as hard as or harder then most of the Big men I've sparred.

  6. Floyd WILL win this fight. Big show cant fight forreal. He may be A LOT bigger than Floyd but Mayweather is the greatest fighter in the world. That ain't no fight . Big show is in for a rude awakening if he think he'll beat Floyd. He may be little but Big Show ain't no match for him. Have you seen the men Mayweather has taken down? Big Show may be the BIGGEST ATHLETE but he can't touch Floyd in a real match. This is gonna be an insane match cause Big Show think he's gonna beat him. Floyd isn't intimidated by his height. Big show ain't got no advantage, why cause he big? that ***** ain't got nothing on Floyd. I guess actions do speak louder than words, guess  he'll understand when Mayweather gets on his head. He ain't gotta reach big show's face he'll still whip his "u know what." "The Big Show" needs to know who the real "Big Show " is and  that he should never under estimate his opponent, ESPECIALLY FLOYD MAYWEATHER JR. BIG SHOW ARE YOU CRAZY? YOU IDIOT!!!! P.S. Floyd get BULLIED by no one, you hear me, NO ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Chuck Norris

  8. Mayweather's not really Boxing at Wrestlemania, he'll be trained by Rey Mysterio and will be performing(wrestling), so it won't be a real fight BUT the punches of No Way Out were real since it wasn't supposed to happen that way and Big Show still showed a broken nose and a black eye the very first moment when Shane stopped him from going after Mayweather, I think his eye was bleeding too.

  9. dumb question dude seriously plus wrestling suks big time

  10. I know that Floyd is a professional fighter and a champion at that and weighs 147 lbs standing about 5'8" and the Big Show even though he's in the entertainment business, is still an athlete and a very big one at that at about 7' and 450-500 lbs.  This is a total mismatch in a street fight withour weapons as The Big Show is too big and much stronger than Floyd.

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