
Flu at 19 weeks?

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Im sick for the second time during my pregnancy just wondered if baby suffers along with me? I havent been to the dr becos last time they put me on antibiotics. I have small tummy aches in my lower belly. Should i be really worried?




  1. I had the flu at about the same stage in my pregnancy as you.  Mine was very volitile with vomiting ect.  My recommendation would b e to see your DR.  There are several types of illnesses in pregnancy that can  mimick the flu but are much more serious.  Illness is not to be fooled around with while you are pregnant.  I would up with preeclampsia just one moth after my suspected flu.  It was not the flu at all.  I gave birth five and a half weeks early and my kidneys failed after delivery.  Please just go see the doc and let him determione wether it is the flu or not.

  2. Your baby won't know that you're sick.  It wouldn't hurt to talk to your doctor, though, and find out what kind of medications you can take.  There's no sense in being really're out of the first trimester and so you can probably take OTC cold meds with no problems...just call your doctor and see what they recommend.

  3. try and take over the counter meds. that are okay-ed by doctors for pregnant women but if the pains are on a one to ten scale and your a 5 or higher go to a doctor i had the flu threw both of my pregnancies i took Robitussin and it helped you may try that
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