
Fluoride in water: an unnecessary danger?

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A lot of municipalities have been adding fluoride to their water (1 ppm) to decrease tooth decay. I don't have this problem anymore, but I did where I used to live. So here are the arguments I've against fluoride in water:

1. fluoridated water is swallowed, so it does not target to area that needs fluoride: teeth

2. Toothpaste is toxic and says "Do not swallow"

3. Increase in dental fluorosis

4. The 1984 issue of Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products lists fluoride as more poisonous than lead slightly less poisonous than arsenic. It's been used as a pesticide for small pests.

5. Damages the immune system by inhibiting the migration rate of white blood cells to infected areas.

6. Takes away citizens' right to medicate themselves. Poor people cannot afford distilled water or filters, so they must drink the city water, even if they do not want the fluoride

What do you thinkn about fluoride added to our water?




  1. No, municiple water supplies, {especially in the USA, 59% of Americans drink fluordated water according to statistics for 2002}, contain Fluoride and Chlorine, both have negative long-term effects on health, and even residues of pharmaceutical drugs like Prozac have been found in British Water supplies {which have the highest standard of water quality/hygiene} Source:

    Chlorine is a carcinogenic, and fluoride inhibits certain enzymes in the brain, and can cause bone cancer, dental fluorosis, weakens the immune system, and many other negative side-effects.

    There is no sound scientific evidence that drinking {emphasis on 'drinking'} fluoride strengthens your teeth. Fluoride is in toothpaste, so your teeth get the amount they need morning, and evening, for adequate protection.

    Some argue not to use even fluoride containing-toothpaste {all of the major, advertised brands}, and avert to alternate toothpaste, like KingFisher's, Chlorophyll type toothpaste, ect. As they claim the fluoride in toothpaste is absorbed in the mouth as you brush your teeth, this is valid since many drug are taken as lozenges, or under the tongue {e.g. Homeopathy}, where they are absorbed.

    As my Anatomy & Physiology Lecturer says: 'Everything is good in moderation', fluoride is being used excessively, there was an article in 'Scientific America' January 2008 {titled: 'Second Thoughts about Fluoride - New Reseach indicates that a cavity-fighting treatment could be risky if overused'}, a conventional science magazine had an article addressing the concerns of scientists regarding fluoridation for civil water supplies.

    Did you know...

    The n***s put fluoride into the drinking water of their labor and death camps because, paradoxically, it makes adults docile and easy to manage. It difficult for even the most hardened sceptic to argue on the contorary, I really doubt Hitler cared about the Jews having cavities.The Russian Communists did the same thing in their gulags for the same reason.

    The Merck Manual lists symptoms of fluoride poisoning that includes these:

    Reticence and silence;

    Sitting and saying nothing;

    Resists no one, says nothing;

    Fears nothing;


    Does this not resemble society today, solitary, depressed and dead, but alive.

    Watch this:

    Hope this helps.

  2. Fluoride added to water is safe.

  3. You are better off without added fluoride in your tap water as it can can cause decalcification of your bones and a lot of other health problems that you can find in a web search for "fluoridated water" + "health hazards".

  4. Fluoride is one of the most toxic chemicals, and because of this title has a few interesting unique properties.

    *That includes both a very high accute and chronic toxicity

    *The ability to poison the body in many deabilitating different ways (typically toxins only act on a few processes).  About a year ago, I thought I finally had a full grasp of everything it could do, but since then I have still been finding out effects which awe me.

    *Because of it's high reactivity is also very useful in industry and a continual waste byproduct.

    In terms of sh***y things done to people that compromise their health, there are actually very few I know of which are comprable to mass fluorination, or have had such a damning case against them that has been continually suppressed and covered up.

    There are certain "conspiracy theories" that rely on really sketchy circumstancial evidence and assumptions, but Fluoride isn't in that category.  It's pretty obvious the stuff is poison, and useless for health.

    On a more minor side note, most fluoride in water actually is not Pharmacutical Grade NaF, it's Fluoride collected from smoke stack scrubbers (fluorosillic acid) with random heavy metals mixed in.

    I'd be happy to do a point by point rebuttle on any fact or chemical toxicity/historical thing linked to this.

    If you want to give me your email, I can send you a copy of one of the best books on the subject!  (after which most of this will pretty much make sense to you).

  5. In my opinion it is unnecessary. There have been to many problems with flouride and the research is there to prove it. Too much of it can cause extreme flourosis, bring about osteosclerosis, and cause a variety of mental disorders: ADD/ADHD, depression, Alzheimers, etc. Besides, plenty of people have been using flouridated toothpastes and drinking flouridated water for years, and still have ended up with bad or rotted teeth....Go figure

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