
Flushing the Radiator ?

by  |  earlier

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i am flushing the radiator to my ford tempo 93 and the super flush stuff says to drive it for three to six hours can i just keep it at idol for that long?




  1. BE CAREFUL WITH THAT KIND OF STUFF!! What it might end up doing is creating leaks because of the acid content. The best thing to do is get a BACK FLUSH KIT. It is real easy and SAFE to use. If your radiator is clogged up you might be better to take the radiator to a shop and have the rod it then back flush your vehicle.

  2. Driving it is not the same as sitting at idle.Do what the label says. I don't think they mean go out right now for a six hour drive. After you've used your car for six hours, then drain it out and replace the coolant !

  3. you can let it idle, as long as it,s circulating, but when you flush it, back flush it. let the water come out at the filler neck.

  4. HI

    I wouldn't idle it that long.. I'd plan a road trip somewhere then put the stuff in and take a trip.

    good luck


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