
Flushing vs. tossing used facial tissue?

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If I have a used facial tissue (Kleenex), is it better to throw it in the trashcan and have it end up in a landfill or flush it down the toilet (wasting water)? Which is better for the environment?




  1. First thing, Kleenex will eventually clog your toilet and plus it just empties elsewhere anyway. so doing both is pretty much the same, trash it is the sure way to go.

  2. Kleenex wasn't made to disintegrate in water, only toilet tissue.  If you're really concerned about conservation, you could blow your nose with toilet tissue, but not flush until you use the commode.  Of course, when you have a really bad cold, toilet tissue won't feel very good, but for "casual" blowing, I vote for toilet tissue/paper.

  3. Depends where you live.  If your in a country that has a good sewage system they sort it out there.  if your on a septic tank get the stuff that breaks down.  If your worried about the 1.8 lt of water your wasting per flush go into a production plant and see how much they use.  The more your save the more industry has to use.  so if it's yellow let it mellow if it's brown flush it down.

  4. kleenex is NOT made to be flushed...and using 2 or 3 gallons of water ever tine you blow ur nose is nuts.

  5. you are not wasting water if you leave it in the toilet untiol you have to flush it. They are biodegradable

  6. You can always buy reusable handkerchiefs.  They used to be in vogue and probably will be again.  But tissues in the trash can clog your toilet. As far as the environment goes, its "six of one, half dozen of the other."  Either means of disposal has baggage, so take your pick.

    But keep the plunger handy.

  7. Flushing will use up a lot of water and then contaminate the water.

       Trashing is the better way to dispose of used tissue.  If you have a compactor to compress your garbage even better.

       Tissue will eventually degrade and break down.

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