
Flusterated by My Fears...Please Help ?

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I am a 19 year old college student andembarrassedd that I do not know how to drive. My parents for some reason have never wanted me to drive, and when I was inmy seniorr year in high school I had topracticallyy beg them to help pay for driver ed. We settled on this really crappy place that taught the dmv rules by havingstudentss fill in blanks, like a puzzle and expected that you could know how to drive to different locations. My first lesson was at night around 6:30 and let me add this was my first time behind the wheel. Needless to say it was one of the most embarrassing and nerve racking experiences and hashaltedd my progress. I never returned to the class again and since that time have ended have never been behind the wheel. This summer I set a goal to successfully drive and my friend agreed to teach me. But each time I experiencedpanick, reliving the feelings of failure and traumatization I experienced that night in high school. I want to learn to drive because I know its a part of being anindependentt adult andI'mm starting to getflusteredd with taking the bus and relying on others. Are there any classes for people with these type of driving related issues, what should I do?




  1. Maybe it has to do with your problem with hitting the space-bar.

  2. put your big girl panties on and grow up. your 19 do things yourself<<

  3. Start out easy. first use an empty parking lot. Then move on to a road out in the boonies that no other car is on. Then as you become comfortable with that work to more used roads. No need to start out with rush hour traffic on an interstate down town.

  4. It might be a good idea to take professional lessons from a driving institute one that deals with you one on one....

  5. Just find a patient friend that will teach you.  Start late at night or really early on the weekends if you want it to be light out.  The point is you need as few distractions as possible to stress you out.  It will take time but you'll get used to it.  It's good to be scared to drive.  It's a huge piece of machinery and can do a lot of damage.  Too many kids these days just have too much confidence but have no idea what the rules of the road are.  Any way you'll get it if you give your self plenty of time and patience.  Also since you're in college, you should work on your typing too.  Pretty hard to read.

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