
Flute and Trumpet? Can i play both?

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I play the trumpet currently and im pretty good (for a second year band student) but i also want to play flute and dont call me g*y...

would it be difficult playing both instruments at the same time?





  1. Well, many musicians double on instruments... usually they stick to one type though (brass with brass, woodwinds with woodwinds, etc.).

    The reason that most people stick to one type is that many of the same technical aspects of playing tranfser easily... embouchure, fingerings, and so forth.

    This doesn't mean that you can't... it will just be very different.

    Over the years, I have learned to play all the woodwinds at a high level of proficiency... in the last 8 months though, I have begun playing trumpet.  It is MUCH harder than when I picked up flute after sax after clarinet.  All of those had similar fingerings, pitch tendency, embouchure, support issues, etc.  Trumpet, on the other hand, is me trying to learn from a total beginners stand point.

    It can be daunting to learn a new instrument, and frustrating!  You know the musical terms, what's expected of dynamics and phrasing... but you try it on a new instrument and it will come out wrong! LOL

    I totally advocate you learning both, but be prepared for a little frustration.  Also, I would suggest that you wait another year.  Get your trumpet skills down tight- make it second nature.  Get rid of any bad habits you might have (like slouching while you play) and really concentrate on playing as clean as you can.  Then, try flute.  

    The biggest thing is that you may not be taking any technique to flute, but you can confuse your muscle memory for trumpet.  You don't want your trumpet playing to suffer for an instrument you may not be able to play (or play well, rather).  

    Another thing to think about, is how useful will playing flute be?  You may not be able to double much, as the PARTS are written for specific groupings of instruments (like for musicals)... flute and trumpet are not in that grouping together.  Or if someone needs a substitute flute... likely, they will call upon another flute player- not a trumpet player.  If you're doing it just for you though, all the more power to you!

    It can be done, depending on how much time and practice you put into EACH instrument.  If you want to get a head start, begin looking for a private teacher to show you the basics.  And remember... the whole point to it is to have fun!

    So good luck! :)

  2. yes you can. That is like asking can i ride a bike and still learn to skate.

    Two fine instruments

    They are different, but you have all the music reading skills learned.

  3. just the embouchure is totally different. like im a flute player for 6 years and i tried trumpet and could hardly get a sound out. until someone told me to spit hahah:) it worked. but yeah the fingerings are totally different because trumpet has like 5 button (idk really) and flute has like more than 10...yeah but it's possible i guess!

  4. Hi Music Dude,

    Yes, you can learn to play the flute... it just takes good instruction and time to practice... but my question to you is Why do you want to?

    To play another instrument right now, takes away practice time from the instrument you have been playing for a while.   In my opinion, you should be spending your time in getting better at the trumpet, for your upcoming chair tests,  region competitions, and solo and ensemble competitions.   You will find, that the people who are in first chair and  are knocking out  the awards for the competitions are playing ONE instrument and giving that instrument  all their attention... improving skills / scales / difficult pieces.

    I don't want to discourage you from playing flute if you want to....  cause gosh... I am a flute teacher...  But I would not be recommending any of my students to take up a 2nd instrument before being the best they can be at the flute.

    I recommend, if you want to play flute,  to do it in the summer, or off school season.  Do it when you have plenty of free time that does not get in the way of your trumpet practice.

    So, that is my opinion.  I hope it made some sense to you.  :))

    Thanks for reading.

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