
Flying Alone: Some Tips For a 14 Yr/O? HELP PLEASE?

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Hi, I'm flying by myself (i'm 14) on a short-distance flight, only 25-30mins, but I've been having really bad dreams about flying.

Now, I'm not afraid of flying when I'm with someone, like my parents, but this is the first time by myself.

I need some tips on how to beat the anxiety. I love reading, so someone suggested read. I guess my real panic comes from when I get off, the pick-up people not being there, and then baggage claim, loosing my bag.

What should I do to beat my anxiety?




  1. im 14 and im going on a 13 hour flight by myself...

  2. Haha. Trust me, eat a big breakfast and barf...LOL. It sounds bad, but thats how my niece got over her fear of flying alone when she was 12. Or just tell yourself its going to be alright.

  3. Omg I had that same feeling to when I was flying by myself to the Dominican Republic. I was 12 years old and I was so scared I even had nightmares when I go on the plane I was crying and yelling. The thing that calm me down was that I know I was not the only one flying by myself, meet this girl who sat next to me who was going through the same situation we talk and forgot abaut everything. When I arrive I was thrill and happy everything went good .

    I suggest you to find someone to talk to, and remember you are not the only one that is passing through this.

  4. i dont really mean this but i hope this motivates you.

    "DONT BE A F***ING p***y!!!!! FLY THAT JET!!!!! NOTHINGS GONNA HAPPEN TO YOU!!!!! there like a 100 times bigger chance that ull get struck by lighting!!!!

  5. don't sweat it.  I know that's easy to say, but you've flown before.  I've pretty old and flown a lot, lost my bag one time and it wasn't really lost, they found it and delivered it to me later.  Your people will be there, if not go to one the counters of the airline you flew on and tell them.  Make sure you have the phone number of the people who are supposed to pick you up.  Have fun and just think of it as an adventure and part of becoming a grown up.

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