
Flying and plane, jets, words, pharses?

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I wanna know more about flying and words pilots use and stuff inside the plane a little more!

Does anyone know any good sites etc?





  2. Watch United 93

  3. the jargon?

    if u watch United 93 or airplane!

    u will become enlightened

  4. Flight 2-0-9'er, you are cleared for take-off.



    L.A. departure frequency, 123 point 9'er.



    Request vector, over.


    Flight 2-0-9'er cleared for vector 324.

    We have clearance, Clarence.

    Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor?

    Tower's radio clearance, over!

    That's Clarence Oveur. Over.




    Roger, over!




    Doesn't get more authentic than this.

  5. Bravo 19, vector 280, flight level ten

    Roger Gatwick control, Bravo 19 vector 280 level 10

    Pilot " I wonder if that new hostie on board will shag me at AKL?"

    Co Pilot "Not before me she won't"

  6. Uh Boston clearance delivery American 112 request IFR clearance to Washington...

    American 112 is cleared to Washington airport as filed, expect the Logan 4  for departure, expect flight level 250, departure on 12.340, squawk 2342..

    OK American 112 is cleared to Washington airport as filed,

    Logan 4 for departure, expect flight level 250, departure on 112.340 squawk 2342.

    American 112 read back correct contact ground 121.670

    Boston ground, American 112 ready to taxi IFR.

    American 112 taxi to and hold short of runway 22R via alpha, bravo, uniform and hold at runway 4R..

    Taxi to 22R via alpha bravo uniform and hold at 4R American 112.

    American 112 you are current number 4 for departure monitor tower on 121.330 have a nice day.

    121.330 for American 112, c ya next time

    Boston tower, American 112 ready for IFR departure runway 22R.

    American 112 runway 22R clear for takeoff...

    Clear for takeoff runway 22R American 112

    American 112 turn 20 degrees to the left, call departure have a nice day...

    Have a good day , 112.

  7. Automated Terminal Information System:  Edmonton Airport Information Foxtrot, 2209 zulu, wind 16 gusts 24, sky conditions few clouds at 2,000 scattered at 16,000. Temperature 12 dewpoint 1. altimiter 2987, ILS runway 2 in use, landing and departing runway 2, all aircraft read back hold short instructions, advise controller on initial contact you have foxtrot.

    Pilot: "Edmonton Clearance Delivery, Northwest 2876, with Foxtrot, Requesting IFR clearance to Minneapolis, ready to copy."

    Clearance: "Northwest 2876 cleared to Minneapolis Airport as filed, Fly runway heading, climb and maintain 7,000 (feet), Departure on 120.5 squawk 2573."

    Pilot: "Northwest 2876 cleared to Minneapolis as filed, Fly runway heading, climb and maintain 7,000 Departure on 120.5, squawk 2573"

    Clearance: Northwest 2876, readback correct, contact ground on 121.7 when ready to taxi."

    Pilot: "Edmonton ground, Northwest 2876 with Foxtrot, ready to taxi, IFR"

    Ground: "Northwest 2786 taxi to and hold short runway 2, via taxiways Quebec Alfa (Q A) contact Tower on 118.3 when ready"

    pilot: "taxiing, hold short runway 2, using taxiways Q A, Northwest 2786"

    Pilot: "Edmonton tower, Northwest 2786, with Foxtrot, ready at runway 2, IFR to Minneapolis"

    Tower: "Northwest 2786 cleared for takeoff, runway 2"


    Tower: "Northwest 2786, hold short runway 2, traffic is Airbis A321 on (short) final."

    Pilot: "Cleared for takeoff, Runway 2"


    Pilot: "Copy, hold short, Runway 2"

    Pilots, between each other: "80 knots" (check to ensure that all guages are functioning), "V1" (decision speed), "Rotate" OR "V-R", "V2" then "Positive Rate, Gear up"

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