
Flying fear!!?

by  |  earlier

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I am such a nervous wreck about flying and now we are taking an overseas trip!!! WORSE!! Please any suggestions, helpful faq's, and comforting words appreciated..... Thanks.




  1. I've had a few passengers with anxiety who like to talk with the flight crew and tell them their fears, they say it helps to be able to put a face on the crew up there. Just make sure you ask the flight attendant very nicely and respectfully and understand that she'll probably have to clear it with them first.

    Also, zero in on a friendly flight attendant and let them know your concerns. That way when there are noises or turbulence they can come let you know everything is okay. Not all will be willing to do this but I always try to for my passengers.

    If all else fails take some dramamine(sp?) and knock yourself out so you can sleep through most of it.

    It's fine though! Just think of how many thousands of people fly every day, all over the world and never have a problem. You're going to be fine!

  2. flying isn't scary!! if you're worried about safety, relax, it will be fine. so many flights go on everyday, in fact a ton of them are probably occurring right now.

    if you're worried about taking off, landing (and that weird feeling you get in your stomach), the best is to not think about it and think about how pretty the view will be once you get up there. try to concentrate your attention on stuff like bothering the person next to you, reading a magazine, etc.

    and overseas trips are fun too, i love long flights. get up and walk to the bathroom once in awhile if you feel like you're getting a headache, and while you're up on the plane, you won't see anything except clouds and it can be quite relaxing, listen to calming music and you'll be fine.

    don't worry and have fun :]
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