
Flying from US to Japan - what to expect upon arrival?

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I'm moving to Japan next month for a year and I've never flown internationally before and haven't the slightest idea of what to expect.

Could anyone tell me what sort of procedures (if any) there are upon arrival?

How does customs work? What should I expect?

How do I change my dollars over to yen, is there a place in the airport (Narita International) to do that or am I supposed to do that elsewhere?

Other than the obvious (passport, visa) should I have any other paperwork with me?

Any tips and info would be great.

Thanks for your help!




  1. Like they say, clearing Japan Custom is a breeze. Change what you need first at least for the first week. US $ are usually accepted at banks that does currency exchange. Unless you are going to the outskirts, change your money only when you settle down. Otherwise, bring along traveller's cheques. If you are going to the outskirts of Japan, best to change it at the airport but the rates may not always be good. Happy Staying in japan!

  2. Other than the regular procedures with all your documents showing and they will ask you the basic questions, they will take your finger prints and face picture.  I don't think it's nothing to worry about, if you carry all the necessary paper works.  There are a few banks/counters for people to exchange currencies at the airport.  Just find a sign, or ask at the info.

  3. You can read it on Narita Airport website.

  4. epxect to see alot of people shorter than u.

    no problem :P


  5. Most of the other answers seem to cover what you'd encounter once you get to the other end. However, I would HIGHLY suggest changing your money BEFORE you get into Japan. Most international airports have an exchange in the departures area.

    Doing it this way, when you get off the plane all you have to do is get through customs and then get to your destination. Depending on where you are leaving from, its approx 14 hours straight through by plane to Japan. You WILL be wrecked when you get in.

    When it comes to money, take care of it when you're more clear headed.

    Another option is to order the money prior to even getting to the airport. One of the BEST ways its to check out Travelex. They're awesome, the fee is low and it gets to you quick. Plus its super safe! I had TWO men deliver my money when I ordered.

  6. Procedures will be pretty standard throughout international airport. Expect to be greet by nice japanese ladies once you come out from the airplane.

    Customs in Japan is quick, fast and very efficient, unlike the US. Expect not to take off shoes

    You can change your dollars to Yen in one of the several exchange counter in Narita airport (you can see it clearly once you are out of the baggage claim). My suggestion is to change at Narita, as in the city, it will be a headache to find money changer

    Are you moving for job? If yes, a paperwork from your company is pretty useful or any other supporting materials

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