
Flying lanterns?

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I was at the beach last night and I saw what looked like a lantern flying into the air. It flew high enough that I was not able to see it anymore, and the candle did not go out at all. I am assuming that it was some kind of bag and candle trick (but I am not sure because I could not find the person that did it), but if it was, how do you do it? and if not, what are the other possibilities that it could be?





  1. it is the same characteristics as hot air ballons

  2. Here is the way we used to make them, 50-odd years ago:

    Take some plastic soda straws and make a ring about 30 inches in diameter by sticking the end of one straw into the next straw.

    Now make an "X" out of straws by making two 30 inch crossarms and taping them together at the center crossing point.  Tape the "X" into the ring by taping the ends of the arms of the "X" to the ring at four points around the ring.

    Now stick five birthday cake candles to the "X," one at the crossing point and one halfway between the center and the rim along each crossarm.

    Now get a clear plastic bag of the type dry cleaners use to return clothes.  A trash bag won't work because it is too heavy.  Tape the bag shut at the top where there is a hole for the coat hanger.

    Also tape the clear bag into place around the rim of the X ring.  If everything comes out right, it will fit just around the ring like a balloon.

    Now have someone hold the thing up so the candle flames don't touch the plastic bag.  Reach under the edge of the bag and carefully light the candles.  The hot gasses from the candles will quickly fill the bag, and it will float away.  It is surprising how high it will fly and how long it will stay up.

    Of course you do this after dark to get the effect.  When I was about ten years old, my friends and I caused a UFO scare in our little town with a large fleet of these.  It was hysterical.  The county sheriff went on the local radio station to announce that people should not panic, and that the community was in no danger.

    So have fun, but don't get in trouble.

    Try experimenting with more or fewer candles, a single larger candle, and any other idea that comes up.

  3. You probably saw exactly what you think you saw-- a flying lantern. It's basically a hot air balloon on a smaller scale; by making a large paper lantern with room for a lot of air, and lighting a fire inside to heat the air up, the lantern becomes lighter than air and floats away.

    The classic book "Danny, The Champion Of The World" by Roald Dahl goes into detail about building one of these. Just be sure you've got some water handy before you launch one of your own-- they are basically flying fireballs!
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