
Flying on a plane for 4 hours need help!?

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okay so im taking a trip to mexico and i have to take a plane over there and it takes 4 hours and ive been on a plane before but just somehow im really paranoid about going now because ive been hearing about crashes,terrorists, and technical difficulties im really scared !any tips !? or facts!? idk! thanks! :D

PS- no rude comments please!




  1. Ana:  As the others told you, flying is very safe; certainly safer than driving.  But it isn't statistics that will help you, it's planning.

    1. Take a flight that leaves as late in the evening as possible: midnight or so if you can.  Assuming you're leaving from the US, flights to Mexico are considered international so you have to check-in at the gate a minimum  of 2 hours before your scheduled take-off.

    2. In the late evening, the airport will be (almost) empty so you won't be made anxious by crowds, long lines, or delays.  

    3. Have a late dinner which will help to make you sleepy, but avoid drinking any alcohol or caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea, colas, etc.)  

    4. Dress nicely (believe me, it effects how airline personnel treat you), but VERY comfortably.  Something you can "curl up in", that is warm and cozy if the A/C is on full force, yet maybe has a little jacket or hoodie you can take off in case you feel too warm. Socks are good too so you can take your shoes off.  *My* favourite travelling outfit is a stretchy velour (like a velvet knit) athletic suit: slacks with a matching zippered jacket with a very nice knit shirt.  Skip sneakers or any kind of athletic shoes; wear flats.

    5. Bring a book, iPod, portable DVD, etc.  Something to distract you quietly - use headphones so you don't disturb the other passengers.

    6. Try to sleep - which is another point of taking a late flight.

    7. Ask for an exit-row window-seat (assuming you're older than 15 which is the minimum age for that seat assignment).  You'll have MUCH more personal space/leg room and you'll have the "wall" to lean on.  Night flights tend to fly with far fewer passengers/more empty seats and you may actually find yourself with the row to yourself!  If so, you can lift the arm rests and lay down across all three seats!

    8. When you're certain of your airline, join the frequent flyer club (before your trip) and make sure your member number is included in your reservation record.

    9. As soon as you set foot on the plan, watch the overhead bins (they will all be open) for a blanket and pillow, and grab one of each because they go FAST and there are never enough for everyone.

    Good luck, have a wonderful trip, and I hope this helps!

  2. calm down! =]

    just relax, make sure your seatbelt is on tightly, watch the emergency demonstration they have in the begining so you are prepared, dont wear high heels as if something does happen, you have to take them off as you arent allowed out of the plane with them on as they are harder to run in and can puncture a hole in the safety boats

    did you know that it is 6 times more likely that you will get killed by being kicked by a donkey than from anything plane related?!

    no joke. it is true

    stay occupied by doing other things so ou dont think about anything going wrong.

    i go on planes all the time and nothing has ever gone wrong

    it is like a 1 in a million chance.

    hope i helped =]

  3. i know that everyone says this,but it is still much much much safer to fly... is there no way you can drive or take a train? if not an ipod would surely help... I cant say i blame you though.. good luck.

  4. Personally I hate flying BUT statistically its the safest form of transport.

    Your paranoia seems normal for someone from the States - why are you all so scared of terrorism ll the time? Take it from me - you are safer in the air than running around your average US neighbourhood.

  5. Friend,

    - Be cool and calm as nothing going to happen with your plane.

    - Take your favorite book OR iPOD with you and once you board on the plane, start reading it.

    - Do not think that you are sitting in the plane, just think that you are sitting in a bus.

    - Try to avoid the Window seat [ask while you get the boarding pass] and be with someone and keep on talking with him regarding your normal life and not about your plane travel.

    All the best.

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