
Flying on a plane for the first time?

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im 16 and im going to be flying on a plane by myself and this is the first time i have ever been on a plane

what is there to expect?

any tips?

and how do you get one of those airplane escorts?

and am i too old for one?...




  1. First time is always exciting. I would first of all arrive to the airport early as you will need to check in and go through security. Be sure you don't bring any liquids with you or any unapproved items. Go to for more info. I would print your boarding pass from home. I think you are too old to get an escort actually flying is so simple. Just follow the signs and ask the gate agent questions regarding baggage claim/connecting flight info. You can call the airline to say you are a first time traveler and they can notate Destination Assistance so you can get directions around the airport. Also you should bring headphones for the plane and buy an inexpensive two prong to one prong airline adapter at Radio Shack $10 to save on the headphones airlines give. You can buy a good pair of comfortable headphones and use it.

    I would also bring an IPOD your favorite magazines, money and a credit/debit card. Airlines have Buy on Board meals which are pretty decent and the cost is good  so you don't have to worry about packing liquids.

    I would also bring a water bottle to fill after security and a traveler coffee mug to fill at Starbucks to save money by bringing your own. Sometimes the fligt attendant can fill it up with coffee.

    Wear warm clothes and get a travel pillow and eyeshades. Pick a window seat for a  view. If the airplane has  live tv or private tv even if you have to pay $5 it can allow you to watch your favorite shows. Some planes have Airshow a map showing you where you are and how far you are from the arrival city.

    Good luck and congrats on your first airplane trip.

  2. I am about the same age as you and I fly alone and I fly on extremely long flights all the time! There is nothing to worry about! Flying for the first time can be a little scary but you will easily get used to it! Things to expect: you always want to arrive at the airport about 2 hours before your flight departs to make sure you have enough time, takeoffs are fast so I recommend taking a motion sickness pill if you don't like high speeds, bring your favorite flavored chewing gum because when you takeoff and land your ears might pop, this is totally normal!!  bring something to do like: a book or magazine, MP3, and a portable DVD player if you have one! Most airlines will show movies and give you a small snack! Sleeping will always make the flight seem a lot shorter! If you want an airplane escort just ask an employee at the desk. A flight attendant will bring you to the gate and  keep an eye on you on the flight. Flying is fun and safe, millions of people fly everyday without any trouble!

    Happy Travels!! :)

  3. what you can expect: mind numbing boredom....I personally enjoy the takeoff and landing part...the rest in the middle is usually quite boring.  call the airline and ask them about airplane escorts, but I think they're only for small children (which you are not).  

    If you can, try to get a seat next to the emergency exit (cuz the legroom there is great)...

    have fun flying, and remember it's the safest mode of transportation there is... really.  it has the least amount of accidents per km per passenger of any form of transportation.  statistically you're more likely to get in a car accident on the way to the airport while getting hit by lightning than you are to get injured or die in a plane accident.

    your results may vary.

    have a nice day.

  4. hey!  no worries, flying is actually really great.  you can expect to get there early so that you have time to check your bags and then find your gate.  you sit at the gate until they announce they are boarding your flight.  if you want an escort, you can go up to the counter before they start boarding and request one.  if you are a little scared of boarding, i don't see a problem with getting an escort, but i think you will find that you don't really need one.  bring gum with you to chew while the plane takes off because the higher you get, your ears will start to pop...chewing gum helps.  if you feel tension in your ears, plug your nose, close your mouth and blow out.  :)  you will be fine.  bring a magazine or book to keep from getting bored on the flight also.  good luck!  :)

  5. youre in for a treat i LOVEE to fly. its actually one of my favorite parts of vacation. it may be a bit scary for you at first but then again it might not be. i dont remember ever being scared on an airplane, even when one year we had a wheel fall off our plane and we had to emergency land. the truth is, airplanes are safer than cars. if you relax youll have a great time.  taking off is the best part but landing can be a bit rough because the plane makes contact with the tarmac and then lifts and then touches down again. definitely bring starbursts or gum for the take off because your ears pop as you reach higher altitudes and chewing sometihnig will prevent that. bring magazines, books, plenty of snacks, or maybe a portable dvd player so you can occupy yourself. youre not too old for an airplane escort especially because its your first time flying ever. have your parents call the airline and a stewardess will be assigned to make sure you get to your terminal and to make sure you get on and get off the plane safely. they usually meet you at security. have a GREAT trip, flying is amazing!

    another tip: bring an ipod. if you experience turbulence you can turn your music on high to take your mind off of the bumpyness. keep in mind turbulence always occurs, usually when passing through clouds.

    i saw someone said sit near the emergency exit. DO NOT do that! if an emergency were to occur, youd be responsible for helping everyone to get off the plane, and that is not a responsibility you want to have on your first flight

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