
Flying with a hamster?

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We are flying back to the states from Germany (moving home), and my daughter really hates to give her hamster away. My vet said we could fly with him, but is there anything I should be aware of? Like what can we do to make him more comfortable while flying? Will his ears pop, like ours do? We plan on having him in a small carrier, with food and water, but what else do we need? Even if the airline will allow it. We haven't gotten tickets yet, so I can't ask them yet. I just prefer to be prepared. =)




  1. First of all, ask your vet. Second, if you can't ask him, I would keep him in a small cage, pay attention to him for most of the flight, give him alot of dirinks and water, and Third, make sure that they let him on board.

  2. he will probably wonder what is happening. ask the airline first, to make sure, so you can get ready. pay attention to him a lot during the flight if you take him, and make sure you have extra food nd water for the hamster. ask the vet for more info about it.


  3. he will probably be scared, but dont worry, make sure he has lots of food, water, bedding and before and after getting on the plain give him lots of love : )  and he will be fine. i dont know if all airlines allow them but some probably do.
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