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Need the most effective flyspray thats most economic? I live in FL, so in the summer theres tons of bugs! Also, right now I'm using endure, i absolutely love it, at local tack shops and stuff its expensive though, whats the cheapest yall have heard of? thanks so much!




  1. Endure is a very good spray!  So is Happy Horse!  Natural stuff dosnt work.  Skin so soft, when applied to much can clog pours, hence preventing sweating.  That spells trouble!

    There is no cheap remedies.

    I get a kick out of people that swear, or prefer natural sprays, but the idiots dont realize every bale of hay they feed, chemicals were involved, weather spraying for johnson grass, fox tail e.t.c.

    Every bag of feed  you buy has some sort of chemicals in it.  Yet, they feed chemicals, but swear on a No Chemical Fly Spray!

    Now thats funny!  I dont care who you are!

    Idiots!  Remember, you get what you pay for!  

  2. I like tri-tech, but in florida i would recommend using fly sheets so that they are protected from flies and it also keeps their coats from getting bleached out.

  3. what i've tried is 1 part apple cider vinegar to 1 part water. add in a little bit of dish soap if you want. i tried it, and it worked better than i expected. it didn't keep ALL of the flies off, but it kept most of them off. i'm not sure about cheap sprays with great quality.

  4. I used Pyrahna(spelling) but then I started using Endure because it lasts longer, and I don't have to use as much.  I would rather spend more money on something that lasts longer and doesn't take as much.  Try Fly predators they work really well in stables with many horses!

  5. Pyrahna (sp?) and Endure are the ones i use and they work great!

  6. I live in FL too and I completely understand your situation. The BEST fly sprays are Pyrahna and Endure. They are expensive, but that's cuz they work.

    Home-made fly sprays haven't ever worked very well for us either, though if you add citronella oil to the vinegar/skin so soft mixture, it works a little better.

    There is a cheap fly spray called Mosquito Halt that works well, but only lasts a few hours. There's also a really good one I used one time that was cheap and worked well, but I don't know what it was called. It was something like "Farm and Ranch" or "Farm and Stable". It was in a white jug and the label has a pic of 2? horses grazing. I've found something similar, but it was an oil and this one I'm talking about was liquid.

    You could also spray your area with Permectrin. I'm not sure if they make a horse-safe fly spray, but I know you can spray it around the barn and stuff to keep the flies away.

    We installed a Pyranha fly sprayer system in the barn and it has worked wonders! We only put Pyrahna in it during the summer. Other times we use permectrin or vinegar, or whatever else we come across.

    The key is to use DIFFERENT fly sprays all the time. Otherwise the bugs become immune to the one that you always use. So once you find something you like, alternate like 2 or 3 of them. Good luck!!

  7. believe it or not use skin so soft from AVON  that stuff works wonders and it is inexpensive

  8. Well I live in the UK and I use NAFoff, but I don't know whether you can get it over there. Its really good!

  9. I love to go green with my horse- no matter what flyspray lasts the longest, I would always buy natural fly spray for my horse- that way, I can spray my horse without worries and it doesn't bother me if it blows in my face. I would also buy a fly sheet and a fly mask. It will definitly be more cost effective in the long run, and your keeping the bugs off without a whole bunch of fly spray and your not hurting the enviroment either.

    If I had to choose a non-natural fly spray I would go with absorbine- my favorite brand.=]

  10. i lik tri-tech it works the best here in wisconisn :]

  11. I like piranha. (however you spell that)

    Although, it isnt great for the envirorment. it smells good, it also has show sheen in some of them. i really like it

  12. I live in S. Florida and also use Pyrahna and Endure.  The better products just cost more.  However, I order the gallon on line from Country Supply and it is considerably cheaper than buying the $20 spray bottle at your local supply!  Check them out at

    Good luck!

  13. I have 80 horses in South Florida; keeping costs down is a must for me.  What I have found to work is Skin So Soft one day, then Skin So Soft mixed with Guard Star the next, and keep the rotation going.  Eventually you can ease off the Guard Star and go with Skin So Soft only.  Guard Star is a pesticide, but I was told by our old vet that it will not harm the horse; just try to minimize human contact.  I believe Jeffers sells the Guard Star.

  14. I did a science project in high school that proved that the skin so soft vinegar (i used white vinegar) and water worked better than commercial fly sprays. It is also a VERY affordable mixture.

    That being said, I have had the most luck with this concoction portioned 1:1:1 with some bronco fly spray mixed in.

    Skin so soft is oil based, so it won't sweat off or evaporate as easily as water-based fly sprays. It is also a fantastic mosquito repellent which is a major concern when you live in Florida.

    If you are still determined to find something from the tack store, Bronco is probably the best bang for your buck, but if you are willing to spend a little more, Equisect works like magic!

    Good luck, I live in Florida too, so I understand your pain.!
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