
Fo r the past two nights my mini dachshund has thrown up...?

by  |  earlier

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she only vomitts at night and it looks like flem ...after that she is just fine she eats...poops and plays...does any one have any ideas why she is doing this or maybe something i can give her.




  1. maybe she's dehadraded. my puppy was puking until I gave him some water, he was just fine after

  2. My dog does this about once a month and I've been to the vet for this problem.

    Usually when a dog throws up a clear or yellow mucousy looking substance, it's bile and it means that the dog has an empty tummy.

    I presume that happens approximately the same time every night, so try giving him a treat or two about half an hour before he usually vomits.

    I I'm adding some links for you about dogs vomiting bile that should make you feel a little better.

    Good luck. I'm sure your baby will feel better soon :-)

  3. maybe u feed her to much food and to early before bed time.

  4. see a vet becuz you never kno

  5. see the vet...

    or call the vet and ask what might be wrong.

  6. I would suggest a vet appointment.  The flem could be caused by an allergy, a heart condition, upset stomach or a symptom of an internal parasite.  It would bother me becasue the little dogs go down very quickly and it is better to have the dog checked than to wait until the dog is really sick.  

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