
FoR bUdGiE oWnErS?

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hi there. i am getting a bird soon. and its going to be a budgie, im pretty sure. exactly how much can your budgie speak? andd how long did it take you to teach it to say things?




  1. DePenDs oN ThE AgE of THe BiRD and what a good teAcheR yOu Are.  A BiRD CaN lEarN "HeLlO in a week.

  2. I don't have anything to add as far as speaking, but before getting your budgie, research!:

  3. The first thing to do is let them get use to their new surroundings-usually a couple days. Just let it watch you do normal things and talk softly as you go by.

    Each bird is different {like people} some talk alot some not. I have had and worked with both male and females and both can be trained to talk.

    Start with something like HELLO as you go by the cage. and you may be surprised how quickly{when you least expect it} you will hear the word you said. After the first word as long as you keep repeating phrases it will start speaking before you know it. If possible have it's wings clipped for easier training.

    oh''if you want it to bond to you don't get a mirror or it will spend it's time talking to the mirror. For a first time bird a parakeet is the right choice!!

  4. I used to have a budgie but it it hardly spoke anything. After he passed over the rainbow bridge i decided to do a little research. i found that usually only handfed budgies were the ones most likely to talk and it was usually most likely a year maybe little less depending on much time you put into teaching him to say things. Some methods i have heard worked were to constantly repeat the things oyu want him to learn and when training him you should use much enthusiam in your voice. parrots will pick up phses much faster when they are exciting to hera and see. good luck

  5. It will take a budgie to learn words in about a week and a half if you take your time and patience it will learn one word in a week. Your budgie can learn up to around 1-15 words if you try hard enough.
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