
Foal crazy?

by  |  earlier

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i have a 4 month old colt born on apirl 4th 2008.and im having a hard time with him being nice.hes being onry and a lil bugger i canat get him to go across a stupid bridge and his sitting still to be groomed. what can i do so i dont go crazzy . iv seen a lot of young foals all more behaved then me. also when is the proper age to get there first trim and shoesing.




  1. Talk to your fearer about when to start shoeing and how young he/she will do it.

  2. Keep working with him.  If you can tie the mom up and then get a colt halter on him too, you might have more success.  Put a rope on the halter and flip it over the place where you tie his mother but don't really tie him yet.  

    About the bridge.  Have a friend lead his mother over the bridge and then you lead him behind the mother too.  Sometimes it is good to use another horse as an example.

  3. He's just being a baby and would rather play than behave like a big boy. He's still with his mama, right? A baby shouldn't be weaned till about 6 months. Time and patience will make a big difference. If you're having too much trouble, consult a trainer.

  4. OMG!!!!!!

  5. The horses is a baby don't ask so much of him and he sounds like a normal colt to me. time is the key you could lead his mum across first and then use a bum rope plus food to get him to move. also you can move the feet one foot at a time. you get there feet trim at any age and wash him fore shows just take your time it is often the problem baby's that tern out the best as my boy is nearly 2 years old and is just starting to behave himself.

  6. not shure cuz i dont have any money and 2 this might help

    oh and can u plez answer my question since u know about horses


  7. its 4 months old!!! hes only being a baby!!! he should still be with the mare... and propably still suckling a bit. Just spend time with him. And as for shoeing? you have to be kidding! a horse or pony doesnt need shoeing untill it is broken and in work, where it needs shoes because of the surfaces we ride them on. Depending on how fast his hooves grow, he probably won't even want a trim until he is 16 months. just let him grow up and be a baby and then you may have to wrestly him around a bit when you wean him and halter brake him etc. Dont wean him untill hes 7 or 8 months though. At the moment he is probably just being bolshy like most colts are, unless they have been handled from day 1! some of ours we cant get near until we wean them, whereas others are generaly more bold and will come over to see us etc.

  8. He is just a baby.  He wants to run around and play.  I'm assuming he isn't even weaned yet.  I would just start with halter breaking him and leading him for about 5 minutes a day and work up from there.  

    Usually the ones that are very well behaved were handled a lot when they were born for one reason or another.  As far as his first trimming, it depends how much he is outside and his feet are wearing down from running around.  We do not put shoes on horses as a general rule until at least 2, but we try to wait even longer if possible.
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