
Focus on race...why is it always about race...?

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So....when we talk about Obama....why in gods name is everything revolving around the fact that he's black. First black to run in from a major party...first black president....etc etc....why? Why cant he just be a face and a name running with McCain...this topic alone makes me not want to vote for him....its all about his race...WHY!




  1. This country was founded by slave owners and race is still a factor. Sorry to say, but its true. I only see a person running for president but America has hundreds of years of racsim that it has only began to deal with in the last 50 years. Obama's nomination proves we have came a long way since slavery but the fact that his race is focused on tells me we still have a long way to go.

  2. Race is a distraction from Social Class Issues.

    Have you ever noticed both parties pledge to defend the "Middle Class' without defining what it is?

    How much money is "Middle Class"? No one wants to call anyone "Lower Class" and even fewer want to admit being it. This is because in our "land of opportunity" only Dumb @sses are poor....

    But guess what? someone is. maybe you are.

    either way.. no one in either party is going to speak honestly about it.

  3. i think race issues should never be a controversy anymore. i believe what matters now is not race issues, but how to make the country as safe and stable for all who those who reside, by electing the right, and well qualified leaders. race issue still lingers in the country mainly because of its traumatic history in the nation, just think about the civil war and the civil rights movements. now let me answer your actual question, it's always about race because it really takes time for different groups to coexist. america is so diverse of people, that coexistence between dissimilar ethnicities takes effort to achieve. it's not easy to coexist with different ethnicities, but it takes effort. it's so uneasy that some think about race as a heavy issue.

  4. Very important statement and question. It's not Senator Obama quest to the White House or his position to better America; that should suffer because of his race; nor that because others aren't as enlighten. In as much; Obama has made strives in historical fashion, as never seen in time past or modern. Your support should be measured on his integrity and platform; not skin tone, or media blitzes exposing the obvious. To blame Senator Obama because others acknowledge his skin tone is bias and not progressive as your inquiry.  

  5. Liberals can't give it up

  6. Its normally the African American that brings the race up...

    I cant do this because Im .....

    we werent allowed to do this because we are.....

    I cant get a job because Im .....

    I live in the getto because I, ......

    They blame everything on   the whites for them being brought over as slaves

    So yes now, Its important to them because NOW a person of color is elected  for the president nominee and it truly is history in the making butt....

    McCain is going to win!!!!

  7. because he is the first black president. It's historic, the topic comes up but i don't think that is the only thing people are talking about with him.  

  8. Although I am voting for McCain, it is a wonderful accomplishment for the United States to have their first black Presidential nominee!

    Obama has made history. This alone, should not be the reason you don't vote for him. You should base your vote on the issues.

    McCain 2008

  9. Obama is the one who put the focus on race and, if you'll note, it is always the Obama supporters who pose the racially divisive questions here.  

    What don't you tell Obama that you're tired of hearing it?

  10. Because he is the first half black man running for president and its a historic event.

    Why is it that right wing nuts go around saying that "obama is the antichrist"?

    why do they always say he is a muslim and his name is "osama"?

  11. I totally agree to you about not giving a **** about his race. But I may not be from your country but I could see that his victory as the first soon to be black president tells the story of all the oppressed black people in your history.  

  12. it's not all about race... but it is an issue...

    but it is viewed by many as a social watermark... a "we've come a long ways" mark...

    simple fact is... black people weren't equal for a long time... some question if they still are... this goes a long way in saying "at least they are kinda close, if not equal"...

    but it's usually viewed as a good thing... why are you so mad about something that seems to be positive in a historic context?

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