
Folding problemo!!!?

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I ride this horse and when jumping i find it really hard to fold properly on this horse but when i ride another one its really easy to fold!!! i dunno why though! this other girl is the same! its jsut a certain horse tht we cant fold at!!!




  1. what is Folding?

  2. Try talking to your trainer. Also see if shorter/longer stirrups help.

  3. Do you mean, two-pointing?

    If so, some horses have more power/bascule over fences. If the horse has little effort or a very plain, boring jump, they are likely to just skim over the fence. This makes it hard to two point because there is no neck coming up to "meet you".

    A good equitation horse has a nice, round jump in where their neck comes up to you so you can release nicely.

    Some horses just have crappy jumps.. put her/him through some gymnastics and get them to "use" themselves properly.

  4. Geez I thought you meant "foaling"!  ROFLOL

    Are you getting left behind when this horse jumps?

    Try a LOT of ground poles with him, then move them up to cavelleties.  IF he's making sure you're getting "left" then you need to teach him how to pace a take off over a fence.  

    Doing that normally means that he's still "green" over a fence.  I have some GREAT shots of my old QH over fences when he was green and I'd get left (I have a one over his first spread where I'm getting left and he's going sideways!

  5. train the horse beter

  6. it may be because the horse has a totaly different jump to that of the other horses you have ridden. He may be one of these that jump very rounded, and also kick there back legs out over the jumps, which makes you sit up more and aprehend folding before the jump (this is what my bsja pony does) and so i would still lean forwards, but not nearly enough, and then in mid air... start sitting up... ready for the landing which would feel like an almighty buck (his back end would go 3ft higher than the jump). No one ever rode him as they could not sit his jump. You could also try pushing your hands forwards as you jump this pony, but unless you are jumping anything very big, then i wouldnt worry to much about how much you are folding.

  7. Some horses make it difficult to get into the proper jumping position. Usually it is because the horse jumps really round and pops you out of the tack. You just have to get used to that horse and adapt to it, becuase it's likely that the horse is actually using better form than most horses you're accustomed to riding. The others probably jump relatively flat, so they're easy to get into position on.

  8. i guess that horse just wont fold  it may never learn

  9. well i would go to my trainer and ask why. well that is all i have. good luck. i hope i helped. Sabrina
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