
Folks from The U.K. What would it take to make the world not hate my country (The United States) anymore?

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I'm asking you guys...well, because I like you guys.




  1. You have a dumb president. Although he only just got elected (sort of) in the first election, he romped through in the second. By which time you all knew he was dumb.

    People electing a dumb president must be really dumb.  

  2. Have Obama win, he is a good 'talker' and makes excellent speaches. just look at what he accomplished in Berlin.

  3. If you got a new president we would like you :D lol

  4. Well, it's fairly simple, but you wouldn't like it if it happened. The World would not hate the US of A if the US of A wasn't the most powerful country in the World, with fixed ideas about the best way to run the World. Most of the time, these ideas are good (you inherited most of them from us, after all), but they have been applied recently with little or no finesse or sensitivity. Or forethought. (Like in Iraq). 'Talk softly and carry a big stick'. Good idea. A bit more of that and a bit less of 'lay about you with a big stick first and ask questions afterward', and the World might have a better opinion of you. Of course, you're never going to be universally loved. Policemen never are. Having said all that, even at your worst, we're lucky to have a liberal democracy as the most dominant Nation on Earth. Just be careful about the hubris thing.

  5. in my oppinion you ought to make it smaller and move it closer to us. not get everything before us and not have all of those stupid tv shows that arn't funny

  6. Some from the UK and Europe have always hated the US, even prior to Bush - it's a strawman to take a swing at. Just as before the Americans were hated, most of the world disliked the British due to their empire building. Everything that is happening in Iraq right now happened last century under the British - people just seem to have forgotten anything that came before. It is much easier to blame others than to examine ones own culpability in world events. Whomever is on top gets the most blame.

    Just learn to ignore it. Most of those that really seem to hate the US have never even been there and just rely on the (false) familiarity of the media and entertainment images of America and Americans.

    Every powerful country has these problems - when Russia or China is running the world, then they will like the US.

    I like the UK too (apart from a couple of rude waitstaff...) and for the most part, in my experience, the average Brit is fine with Americans as well. It would be best if everyone could separate politics from people - and mean it.

  7. The answer is fairly simple, treat other countries and their people as adults, and not as naughty children who do not follow the american way of life. GW Bush is making exactly the same mistake as Jimmy Carter when he interfered in Iran - and look what happened there.

    Its not just american presidents that do it, look at past questions on YA.

  8. A new president...

    No seriously, most people resent it when americans interfere with other countries.  I think that's the bottom line.  Someone described the US as a friendly dog in a china shop.  Always knocking things over and annoying everyone, but not necessarily meaning any harm.

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