
Folkstyle/ High School Wrestling?

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Hello everyone,

I am a high school coach and I am looking for technique videos to help broaden my knowledge base and I was especially looking for LEG RIDING and LEG DEFENSE (I was a leg rider in high school but I was just really good at remedial moves and I found a camp this year which listed what they taught and I knew less than half of the moves) obviously I've found some videos but I would like to know which ones would be the best for me to purchase (as I do not have a lot of money to be wasting on subpar help)...I'm really only looking for 1 or 2 good videos...

also if you have leg moves you know and want to write out how to do them I'm pretty good at following those directions also and every week I go into the wrestling room with my assistant and we work out anything we have found before we run a Youth Camp so I would be able to try and work out anything you explained...

wow that was longer than I thought thanks for your help




  1. leg moves are best

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