
Follow through serving?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so i have played volleyball for a pretty long time and let's just say i dont suck. I have one problem though, i have a tough hit and serve but i dont follow through high enough. I am strong and can get the ball to go over every time accurately but my arm has a little bend in it. The same thing happens when i hit, which is not good because i play MB/RS. What could i do to make sure i follow through high and straight every time?




  1. First of all, it is NOT quite a problem if you cannot follow thru, as long as you can hit with accuracy. Follow-thru will put more speed on the ball, while "sudden stop" (when contacting the ball) would make it a "shaky" floater.

    You will need to take care of the "bend arm", which is more or less developed during a long run (so called a bad habit).

    The key word is "reach high".

    When you serve, toss the ball right ***in front of your serving shoulder***, and hit the ball at the highest point you can reach and hit without compromising the accuracy regarding where to land the ball. Your hitting shoulder may or may not be higher than the other shoulder.

    When you hit middle quick "1", you will need to bend your arm. There is nothing wrong with that.

    When you hit middle "2" (or higher depending on your play-call), you will need to "reach high", and it is not all your responsibility. Your setter should set the ball high enough first place, and you will then time your approach and swing. As the previous answer said, your hitting shoulder should be higher than the other one so that you can get to the highest point to hit the ball straight down.

    So try "reach high" without "tipping" the ball, you should be fine after some practice.

  2. PRACTICE...k

  3. Well first you got to hit in the center of the ball. Like before you really hit it pretend that your going to hit but dont. Then just hit it as hard as you can. Usually my serves are really good but my bumps are what  i cant get over the go straight up but they dont go far. Good Luck and just keep trying, and sometimes try not to hit from where your supossed to hit it,  hit closer to the net it might help!

  4. aim for the roof on your serve, for your hit, do a full stretch of the arm

  5. for following through hit your leg when you hit It's ok if you don't follow through on your serve a float serve is good

  6. Here's a tip that works for me... when you swing, put your shoulder in your ear. This will force you to tilt your shoulders (hitting side higher than non-hitting side), and the resulting bio-mechanics will lengthen (make higher) your swing.

    Technically, you want to contact the ball in a position that puts your hitting shoulder directly over your non-hitting hip. That means, your hitting shoulder should be higher than your non-hitting shoulder, and your hitting hip should be higher than your non-hitting hip. If you took a picture at the moment of contact, you should be able to draw a straight line from your hitting hand to your non-hitting foot.

    Take a look at this...

    A second tip, to which I don't subscribe, but others swear by, is that when you complete back swing (just prior to swinging forward) make sure you point your elbow straight up to the ceiling/sky. Again, this positioning will create the best bio-mechanics for a high swing.

  7. When your serving hit your opposite knee, my coach had us do that for a while and now we just naturally fallow through! =]]

  8. think.. you'll be able to figure this out. toss the ball at perfect angles first tho.

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