
Follow up on application

by  |  earlier

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I waited a week to follow up on my application and when i called the lady who talked to me said i had to talk to so-n-so but that so-n-so wasn't in right now and that she would give her my name so she could get back to me but i'm not sure if she did or not so should i call again or wait.




  1. Write a follow up letter and address it to the "so n so" you were told you wouldhave to speak to.  Let them know you are just following up on your application and confirming your intetrest in the position applied for.

  2. Follow up once and only once.  If so-n-so isn't available ask for his/her voicemail so you make sure they get your message.

  3. If you've waited a few days call and ask for so-and-so.  Don't be afraid to keep in touch every few days.

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