
Followed by an evil spirit?

by Guest66787  |  earlier

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For the past few months, I've been followed by a rather eerie looking spirit. It is in the form of a white horse, but a dirty, skinny, sickly looking one. I get a really bad feeling every time right before I see it and the room gets cold. I hear its footsteps on the gravel in my garden often, and on the tile in my kitchen. It has followed me to the houses of friends before, and they too have seen it. In fact, one friend saw the spirit before me, and described it in perfect detail to me. I had never mentioned this spirit to him before.

I would like to know what I am dealing with here. I've been sensitive to paranormal activity all my life, and I have never gotten such a bad feeling from a spirit before.




  1. You had a fine case of hallucination until you mentioned a friend seeing it too.  Now you have a fine case of fibbery.

  2. talk to him.

    see what he wants

    don't be scared.

    you probably grew up in a possesed more say haunted house

  3. Are you sure its a ghost horse?

      Perhaps a neighbor has a horse that isnt very secure and keeps getting out.........

    What makes you so sure its evil, perhaps its just been neglected.

    Try feeding it carrots, see what happens. You might find you have a new horse friend.

  4. Maybe it's a representation of something else, have you got something that's really worrying you at the moment? It could be your worry manifesting itself into this vision - making sure the worry stays at the front of your mind.

  5. You got two options: either help it or ignore it. I doubt the horse spirit is aware it's dead and that's why it's following you because it knows you can see it. You get a bad feeling from it because it died a horrible death from malnutrition. I'd suggest you treat it with love and not aversion. From your love it will eventually go in peace.

  6. Okay so some one else has actually seen this?

    And they're a reliable sane adult?

    Not on drugs or anything?

    Next thing you "see" this thing whatever it is


    Other methods:

    Recite sincerely the Jesus prayer

    Ask the spirit to move on

    Salt on the threshold of your house

    Ward the house


    Bear in mind tho this might just a tulpa

    a projection from your mind or some one else in the neighborhood?

  7. probably from a lower level.  command it to leave you alone in the name of jesus christ.

  8. Perhaps you have a stalker, a stalker who likes to disguise himself as a horse. I would buy a semi-automatic, a flame-thrower, two tasers, and a rocket launcher. Blast that darn horse to high heaven. Or perhaps you are delusional, and shouldn't be allowed a firearm. But one thing is for sure. I'm pretty sure evil horse spirits don't actually exist.

  9. Check the carbon-monoxide in your house. This is for real...I've heard co2 levels can create hallucinogens.

  10. It is one of the four hosremen of the apocolypse. Just joking. I do not believe in demons or evil spirits so I will not tell you it is evil.

  11. I don't know.  I'll ask bigfoot when I see him.

  12. ok, try the carbon monoxide thige, as a precaution, but I would think you have a spirit. the room getting cold is a sign.

  13. Get your self cleaned! you may have an attachment. Tell it to stop bothering you , Smudge your house, salt your doorways.

    have some one do Reiki healing for you and your home!

  14. Poison can cause hallucination like you describe.

    Check for fumes in you house. Check you r food intake and check your car for leaks of fumes.

    There are no such entities as you describe.

  15. There are people that can create from distance thoughts-forms and also  visual forms .

    It will be not harmful to make some meditation for purifying third eye and the channel in consience  behind it - may be channel to the epiphisis.

    By the way psi-sondage on a photo from distance  use such methods , if done by black magicien - to tourment the receiver of the visions/.

  16. No offense intended here.You may need help from the police or a therapist.The last thing you need is anyone feeding your paranormal tendencies.

  17. Could be a warning of famine

  18. All you're dealing with here is the power of suggestion. Certainly you've told some of your friends about it, and although you didn't directly tell the particular friend you mention, he probably heard about it from your other friends. Power of suggestion is addictive especially in groups with similar beliefs and fears.

    If you think you can actually see this entity, I'd recommend having a digital camera ready at all times so you can snap a photo or two. I have a suspicion that your ghost friend will not appear anymore as long as you have a camera ready and waiting.

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