
Followers of Christ's?

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In what ways have you experienced/witness the awesome power of God?




  1. has kept me safe for like 3 years and that is no coincidence, just trust me on this one

  2. watching a child be born

  3. just seeing life go on, waking up everyday, hearing a babys first cry, watching a kid walk into church, seeing a young person help an older person in some way, seeing a smile spread across a persons face, hearing someones heartbeat, and in many other ways. Gods power is all around us. He created everything, so everything shows his power and awesomeness. : )

  4. Just try reading a small sample of Christian postings on here!!!

    Intolerant, egotistical, hate filled and bigoted!! Eschewing education, science, evolution works of fiction and much, much more. Christians are the only religion opposing human rights and persecuting g**s, pro choice and so much more - but far worse whilst they demand freedom of religion they deny it to all non Christians and persecute them!!!

    If that is the power of god where is the love then?!!

  5. Getting a flat tire and spinning out on an empty Smokey Mountain road.  When I stopped spinning, a truck driver appears out of nowhere to change my tire.  Car over heated on the Mojave, needed oil and water.  Truck driver shows up out of nowhere to fix up my car so I can be on my way.  Brakes went out driving through DC on my way to Baltimore, it was night and raining.  Between praying and downshifting I got there in one piece, thank God.  Anyone know Pine Street in SF? One of the steepest I know.  Going down, over a mile of road, the brakes go out, cannot stop for stop signs.  The girl in the car with me is crippled from polio, wheelchair in the trunk.  At the top of that hill Patty was an atheist, at the bottom of the hill, she was a born again Christian.

  6. he saved my life... i could have been a dead fetus on a table from an abortion but he stopped by mom :)

    he's spoken to me, he listens to me, he gives me strength when I cry, He's performed miracles for others I know, such as stopping a wheelchair from an 'inevitable' crash. He's simply awesome.

    ex: just look around at the planet you live on...

  7. Becoming a born again Christian.

  8. for when I ask for the sun to shine the sun shines

    when I ask for the rain to stop it stops.

    when I am in pain and ask for the pain to stop it stops.

    and when I listen God talks to me.

    when was the last time he talked to you?

  9. I actually know of a man who had cancer and the doctors told him he had a week to live. His whole family had already died of cancer. He spent his "supposively" last days praying and asking God for a maricle. He stood on all kinds of scriptures until he finally got it into his heart that he was a healed man no matter what the doctors said. That weekend he went to the doctors and said I'm done with all medication and this is the last day you will ever see me. The doctors called him stupid and told him he would die. He didn't care. But one doctor said well can you atleast let me run a test before you leave and he said yes. After examining him he said all the cancer was gone but the only problem was he could never cry or have kids...

    By the way he has a 2 year old son, and trust me he cried the day he was born.

  10. I've experienced his awesome power from the love that he pours down.

    God is SO good.

  11. I was blessed with a great life.

    I'm so thankful for the life I've been given. I don't have any mental problems. I'm pretty good looking. I've seen/been in few catastrophic events in life. It's like I'm shielded from all the badness of the world.


  13. Actually, no one has, ever; god is a fiction.  People ascribe things to god that they cannot understand on the basis of their limited knowledge.

  14. I prayed for help one time when I was really low in my life.  I was really messed up, anyhow, I had a knock on my door and a Jehovah's Witness offered me a bible study and I got back on track with GODS word.

  15. Besides being struck down by the Holy Spirit as if half knock out and no feeling from my legs down and my ears closed and muffled in a Church revival.

    Oh my whole life has been an experience of God's power and Glory, Just go outside and look around. God is an awesome God and without God nothing would exist!  Praise be to God and his Glory! Amen and Amen!

    Rev. TomCat

  16. Hot summer nights!

  17. I don't even know where to start.

    God is good. All the time.

  18. its true that, the he first time mohammed married almost double his age older woman ( a mother figure)

    muslims say around age 40, mohammed attained prohpesy...

    after attaining prophesy only.. mohammed married that 6yrs old child girl and as soon as the child girl got matured(physically) he had s*x with her

    well, i tell you..

    MORALS are always MORALS, now or 1400 yrs ago, its not about Laws, its not about traditions, Mohammed was already a prohpet, supposed to have communication with God.. being a wise man, he shouldnt have done this, How can mohammed marry & have s*x with that Tiny girl? the girl though matured physically, she was still a child, she wasnt matured mentally at all

    (muslims support marrying the child girl by..

    Mohammed needed a wife to see his house hold things & to look after his children

    lmao, how can this 6 or 9 yr old girl look after his children & do house hold works? (child-labour?)

    and some say, he didnt have s*x at 9 may be later, they simply "lived" together

    well, if this was the case, why they started immidiately after her v****a got broadened? why not immidiatelly after marriage when she was at 6)

    and to SUPPORT women, he need not to MARRY every WIDOW, he can protect those women by simply Giving Maintanance Money & Ordering other Men around.. not to Harrass them Physically

    but this WISE Man.. wants s*x s*x.. Mohammed Lured.. someone else's Wives!

    its a bitter truth, mohammed was a characterless, woman-phycho

    Mohammed was supposed to eradicate bad systems, but he simply followed the tradition, Married TOO Many Women that he can shake his STICK at, this clearly states, he wasnt a prohpet, he was a "FAKE"

  19. The best way to know and understand is to accept Jesus.

  20. Watching my kids grow and experience life.
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