
Following my dreams and what I believe in nice comments please?

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Life is really hard for me since my mom and dad got marry in the Philippines and my moms mother forced her to marry my dad and she didn't even like him the moment she saw him. It was really sad my mom wasn't even happy with him when they got married and all her life she suffered from paying every single bill she had and my dad didn't help her at all. All she did when I was born she worked 2 jobs for her life and my dad one job but then when I was 5 he had two tickets for over speeding and I don't know how many times he did it but my mom payed a lot for that.Before we lived in apartment then we lived at a house we liked while the speeding tickets were happening then we moved to a two family house then again another two family house then a single house owned by us and then now we end up living at my moms friends house. I live in a freakin basement now and this is how it ends up now. I can't follow my dreams singing or dancing because of my father he won't work another job like my mom is and that is why we live here in a basement. I cry everyday because I can't sign up for singing lessons or dancing there money isn't enough and I wanna follow my dreams but how I need someone to train me to get better at my talentsI can't be stored in a rented room. I just want someone to make me feel better without lying because I need a really cheer up :'(




  1. How old are you?  Can you get a job and pay for your own lessons?  Better to take charge of yourself than to sit around and moaning that other people aren't helping

    If you can't do that now, at least start scraping your money together, with an eye toward getting the lessons for yourself in the future.

  2. I feel bad for you, not pity wise, but .. you know what I mean.

    If all hope is lost, don't despair. God will always be there.

    Your dreams... don't let them be crushed. Pulverized dreams will bring nothing.

    If you like singing/dancing, you can practice alone in the basement.

    And at school, there's where the initial step to home your skills if you can't join a group or lesson area. Or possibly a church choir. Never let skills be wasted (useful skills). I know you'll be a great singer some day.

    Financial issues, that sounds harsh.

    Education can solve that, if you're smart and everything, schools will pay for your tuition, or possibly even a free tuition and entree.

    All thanks to scholarships given to intellectuals. Don't despair.

    Don't worry, through God, even mountains will crumble at your feet.

  3. wow, that is not optimal.

    you know that

    1. it is not your fault.

    2. you can not do anything about it.

    3. so why are you sad if you did not cause it and can not change it?

    4. sadness is only useful if it can get you to change your environment. but you cant.

  4. Ok.  First.  Stop the whining and the crying-- it solves nothing.

    Join your school or church choir, and follow every instruction your director gives you. Get extra help from them as much as you can.

    Practice singing songs on your own.  Listen to recordings of great singers in all styles, opera, musical theatre, lieder, chansons, concert repertoire-- you can check them out for free from the library.  Read books about the composers.  

    This is not something that is going to happen overnight, anyway.  You can still major in music/drama/theatre in college even if you never take a lesson before then.  If you're poor and you have good grades, you can get financial aid and scholarships.

    Talk to your school counselor as soon as possible. Take responsibility for your own life.  

  5. Wow, I think a lot of people feel trapped in various circumstances. Probably even the most popular celebrities will sometimes say that they feel trapped, etc. There is no easy answer to your question. I would say try to keep count of all the good things that are happening in your life and don't stop believing that more good things are on their way. Many successful people will tell you of many hardships in their lives before something changed their lives for the better. But regardless of what comes your way, remember that your current situation is only so for today. Never stop dreaming.

  6. Cheer up.  Life is hard and you have had a difficult life.  Still you have a mother and father who love you.  Many your age do not.  Also you have a place to live, many teens are homeless.  Count your blessings.

    Your dreams are good.  Just because they ae not happing now, do not despair.  Is there no music class at your school?  No acting class?  Find out what you can and even if it is not exactly what you want, do it anyway and learn.

    Practice singing and write songs.

    And my dear, no one can make you feel happy.  Happiness is an inside job.  When you grow up you will understand this better.  For now, find something in the arts to get involved with in school.  I wish you luck and do count your blessings.

  7. I want you to realise that this is just a snapshot in time in your life.

    Also I want you to try to be positive and think about what you are going to do when you become independent. You may not be able to do anything now, but you can plan and be proactive about what you are going to do in the future.

    If you go around with an attitude of "Life's so bad, it's hard, I'm helpless" then life WILL be bad, it WILL be hard, and you WILL be helpless. So it's important that when you feel these feelings, that you check yourself with: "but when I am out of here, I am going to..." and finish that with a list of your plans.

    God helps those who help themselves, it is said. With that in mind, don't wait for Him to do anything. Go out there and shine on your own!

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