
Following on from Randy's question.... is it wrong to give my niece this for a birthday present?

by Guest32208  |  earlier

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  1. It depends, how old is she?  

    I think it is fine for ages 4 - 7

  2. No, not at all :)

  3. My kids have a similar one. I love it, it teaches them how to clean up after themselves, my son uses it to.  

  4. Now that IS cute.

    but if you gave it to your nephew, he would probably take off the vacuum attachment and use it as a masturbatory device.

    which is cute too.

  5. No it is not wrong. Women wanted equality not superiority so giving it to a niece or nephew seems fine to me!

  6. i think that's cute and any little girl, or boy for that matter, would love to help vacuum the house. it's a great toy.

  7. If it's for a child, male or female, who always want to help, it's a great idea for a present.

  8. no she,ll love it i bought one for my 2yr old boy when im hoovering he gets his out and helps me he really enjoys helping me

  9. um not sure is her mother a feminist? i think you should call up your niece and ask her what her interests are and figure something out from there. i mean its great taht you want to get her a toy vaccum but if she wanted to vaccum im sure theres one at home she could use. why not get something she will most defiently like.

  10. If she's a normal lady, it's not necessarily wrong.

    If, however, she aspires to be a feminist, there are more suitable options to limit her future acts of terrorism and brutality aimed at men.

    I can go into detail, but this may constitute solicitation.

  11. Thats a totally lame gift. Maybe you should get her a new uncle! The one she has now seems pretty crappy.  

  12. Depends how old she is surely. both of my sons would love this and they are 2 and 4!!!!

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