
Following that tragic morning in September how long did you stay on CNN?

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For a month after that horrible day, my household had that news station on for a month solid! Then I went back to cartoon watching. How about you?




  1. I was glued to the new/radio for many weeks afterward.

  2. Yes, same over the pond.

    It was real s hit scary.  It shook every body up.  Those of a "certain persuasion" kept real quiet for a long time afterwards.  Any body making a sick joke knew they were going to get thumped, and quite rightly so.

    However, you are right.  Life has to go on, though any one caught up in those events, any one who lost a loved one who just happens to be reading this:  My heart goes out to you.

  3. I varied between the three broadcast TV news operations mainly because they are all based in Manhattan which was the site of the most horrific attack. That evening I spent with a lot of overseas English language short wave stations to gain reactions from overseas.

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