
Following trash can that has a neucular wast sign on it what does it mean?

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Following trash can that has a neucular wast sign on it what does it mean?




  1. I guess you had a real problem reading the sign, because you cant spell.

    It means the trash can has nuclear waste!

    Also have you ever seen the bumper sticker that says "if you are close enough to read this, you're too close."

    Well back up fromm the trash can!!!

  2. It means, get the h**l out of there or you will be nuked...

  3. I assume you are in a vehicle following a truck with a radioactive warning sign. Most likely, the truck is carrying low level radioactive waste such as it the result of medical uses. It is known that nuclear warheads are transported in this manner. I suggest that your risk of exposure is minimal.

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