
Food,,,waste?? What do you think about portion in restaurant?

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I came from the country of "Mottainai". It means the feeling when we trough away foods still possible to eat "what a waste!!"

I think most of restaurant serve for customers a huge portion of dishes in UK(maybe not only UK, just because I live in UK now.). But now days, people think about their health so sometimes leave their foods. Particular for women, it is obviously. I can understand! Of course. I would like to have your opinion about the foods which were left.

I know about doggy bag, it's really fantastic. But some of places are

strict for it because of hygienic concept.

Could you someone give me good advise or situation about you (In restaurant or at home) .

Sometimes I don't want to order dishes because I know someone to be with me leave their dishes a lot. (It might be regard as not being snazzy, I never do it) It's not a matter of money, I really feel bad to leave foods because they would be trough away.




  1. Food is being wasted here, as well.  Instead of giving leftovers to employees, friends or the homeless, it is thrown in the trash for the rodents and hungry to fight over!!!

  2. I know what you mean!  I was just in Florida, and the portions there are huge!  In the theme parks, I ordered a small pizza, and the pizzas diameter was about 10 inches!  I couldn't even eat half of that.

    I wish resteraunts would take into consideration the while 1 in 4 Americans is overweight/obese, most of us aren't.  We aren't used to eating like cows, and shouldn't be given such huge portions.  I know when I eat out, the portions are all too big.  

    My advice for you is to try splitting a meal.  Whenever I eat out with someone, that's usually what I do.  That way you're not stuffed, the food is gone, and it's cheaper.  

  3. Don't patronize a restaurant that will not give you a clean container to take away your left overs. If they want to enclose advice about safe storage temperatures, fine.  Encourage others to do the same.  The managers/owners will change their minds about such a silly policy.

  4. I actually ask the waiter for a box and box my own food and then I usually end up getting 2-3 meals out one. Which is cost effective and I'm not wasting food.

    But if you don't want to take food home for whatever reason, I know of some restaurants that have a section of the menu that offers smaller portions.

  5. I agree, I feel that this food (which is then chucked into the rubbish) is wasted and could have been given to some homeless person as an act of charity which would make people think that these are nice people running the restaurant.

  6. I would still insist on a doggy bag. Why not?

    I work as a waitress in a restaurant, and it is a shame for the food that is wasted. Some people will waste almost a whole dinner because they get filled up on the salad or soup or bread.

    I know when I go out to eat, my husband eats my leftovers. It's sad, but soo much food is wasted. Sometimes the restaurant wastes food too. It depends on what sells and what doesn't.

    At home, we waste a lot of food. There are leftovers and then before you know it, it's bad. We are trying to get better at it, but it's hard. With the price of groceries, we are getting better.  

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