
Food Ideas for my 3 year old?

by  |  earlier

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Health degree and know all nutrition basics but I am so bored of my food choices for him.

Single mom here and on my way to the grocery store

can I have some new ideas for little foods to make him

He won't eat anything green! ug!




  1. add food coloring to green foods to make it more attractive, like say black?

  2. He should be eating exactly what you are eating. Period.

  3. well i have a little cousin who LOVES cheddar worst! ( hot dog with cheese in it) you could try just bying a pack of hotdogs and give him a sliced hot dog! you can also try ramen noodles! or the little pack of ravioli!

  4. fruit  salad, eaither fresh or in a tin-

    put in to skewers/ tooth picks

    crackers and salsa/ hummus dips.

    my 3 yr old loves them

    mmy kid is finally figuring out soups and the ones wiht alphabet  in them

    watermelon! my kid will eat that til the cows com e home! - good on a hot day. - any meal.

  5. umm mac a cheeze ballz

  6. Make eating heathy fun for him.  Does he eat fruit?  Get him the pediasures the are expensive so if you go to walmart or something you can get an off brand.  Just keep trying with the green veggies.  my three year old would never eat green beans and all of a sudden one day she finally tried them and loved them!  So just keep trying!!!

  7. How about making soup?  Add baby peas, sliced carrots, chicken and noodles.  Soup is fun to eat.  Just make sure you have a dark colored bowl.

  8. Banana n ice cream with whipped cream.

  9. bacon , everyone loves bacon

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