
Food Stamps.........?

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I have been a California taxpayer for over 20 years....Why do so many people have such a hard time helping out those that are in need? I'm sure there are those that DO take advantage of the system...but I think more often than not these people are down on their luck and need a hand up...while they get their lives together...I would really appreciate those that answer with SUCH derision and condescension in your answers to the people who ask about the F/S program to NOT speak for me as a Taxpayer...stating that we are tired of helping out these ones that are in need of a little help...not ALL are as fortunate as some of us...Am I the only taxpayer on this site that feels this way?




  1. I was (for 7yrs) A single mom recieving no child support, working full time and found myself in the situation of not being able to pay for everything and as much as I tried I couldnt make ends meet. I worked 5 nights a week bartending (on the books paying taxes myself) And stayed home with my son during the day I averaged about 3-5 hrs of sleep a night for at least 4 years until he could start scool and I could work days when he was at school. I was VERY fortunate to have lots of angels in my life. My boss and land lord was understanding and charged me rent that fit my allowances. My Mom and Dad who watched my son while I worked so I didnt have to pay a sitter. Thank goodness for some of the assistance that I had (food stamps, assistance with utilities ) It was a huge burden taken off of me not to wonder if I had hot water, food, electricity this month. As soon as I got on my feet again I was off and paying my own way. I know what it is like to have to boil hot water to give myself and my son a bath because the hot water has been shut off. Life happens and our expectations of what the future holds can change dramatically. These stepping stones that are set up in the system are for temporary use and should not be used any other way. Bur we are here to help Eachother. I have given back by (when I bartended) Donating my Sat night and bought easter baskets, christmas toys, to a local battered women and childrens shelter. This wasnt easy to do but it wasnt going to break me either. I do believe that if you recieve help from others you should give back by giving to others as well. I am now a small business owner with my husband and we pay a whole lot of taxes but I do believe that most do not take advantage of the system and will, like me, give back when they can. I now volunteer for Hospice doing massage and Reiki, and am using my 2 dogs for pet therapy. I do not believe that I am the only one who has had hard times made them stronger and more giving to others because of it. I dont think I will ever get tired of helping others. It makes me smile and feel VERY grateful for the blessings that I have!!

  2. nope, If we didnt have programs such as the food stamp program, wic, and other programs, we would have alot of children in this country starving and homeless. there are enough as it is, but without these programs it would be alot worse. our tax dollars are spent on alot worse things  (a recent study on how an earthworms brain works comes to mind among many other ridiculous government funded things)

    i feel that the  people who complain about this are the same type who would turn a hungry person away from their door unfed. I just cant see doing that to another human being.

  3. I myself am a taxpayer and I also get foodstamps so I guess in a weird way I am helping myself by working. The taxes they take from me I get a little help from the government to help afford food for my children as well. Not all ppl recieving food stamps are sitting at home on their butts!

  4. it is people like you that make me very thankful for all that i have had.  i was one of the less fortunate that needed welfare assistance.  i was considered an abandoned child by the state of hawaii.  it's so weird because i had a mom and dad...they just weren't there when i needed them most.  they are here for me now though.  anyways, receiving assistance from the state helped me to go and do the things i wanted to.  like my proms and banquets or even just hanging out at the mall with only 5 bucks to buy me dinner.  it wasn't fun watching my friends shop 'till they drop...i was just grateful that i had the chance to go out and buy my own dinner.  i had a job since i was 15 and a half so i was considered a tax payer too!(for 6 years now.)  i just didn't make enough for me to survive since i still wanted to continue my education and i was living with family who had so many other people to take care of.  there are some people who take it for granted and at times i wish i could just quit my job and sign up for welfare assistance but it isn't that easy!!  i always do the quit my job part but i am perfectly capable of working so my little evil plan in my head never works  some people just really need help which is why i have made it my goal to help out when ever and where ever possible.  i donate to food banks because that's where most of my food came from, i buy toys for children at christmas because i received some from the salvation army when i was little, i buy toiletries for the homeless because some of them really need it, shoot...i just helped out some little kid yesterday by buying a teddy bear.  if i buy one the store donates one...i feel i should help as much as i can because i was there at one point in my life.  some people just really need help!  whether it's to get started in life or to pick up the pieces after they have reached a rough point in their life.
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