
Food advice--approaching 12 months old?

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My son is 11 months old now and he is getting bored with the home made purees. I want to introduce chunkier foods, etc. into the mix. I have a fantastic book with loads of information on making home made purees, but it mentions nothing about what to feed an older baby. In addition to fruits and veggies, I would like some advice on feeding him meats. He's been eating pureed beef roast and chicken for months now. Do I give him "raw" fruits or should I cook them first to make them soft? Any ideas?

Also, my son only has two teeth at this time. He gums cheerios and puffs pretty well, though.




  1. Try the book SUPER BABY FOOD by Ruth Yarnon or THE HEALTHY BABY MEAL PLANNER by Anabel Karmel.  Both have excellent recipes and tips for feeding babies and kids.

    Try cooking some small noodle pasta to very soft, chop it up and mix some of the pureed foods with it as a 'sauce'.  It may interest him more without sacrificing. nutrition.

  2. my daughter is 10 months and she eats

    finely shredded baked chicken

    lunch meat

    gerber turkey sticks

    ground turkey

    steamed brocoli, carrots, cauliflower

    baked sweet potato cubes

    fresh peaches, banana, blueberries, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, watermelon

    make sure fruit doesn't have skin

    at this age they can eat anything soft and cut up.

    good snacks include shredded cheese, yohurt, graham crackers, french toast without syrup, eggs, jello

  3. I didn't make baby food when my daughter was younger but we all pretty much go through the same things...I started making my baby Mac and Cheese but cooked it extra long...She loves peanut butter and jelly sandwichs cut into small squares or on crackers.  (if you know not allergic) I also make sausage and cheese bisquits that she loves even now-stuffing is good, rice, cereal, yogurt, I would still stick to soft fruits and veggies for now until he has more teeth and he will let you know when he can handle chewier food.

  4. He will surprise you how well he can eat with no teeth. Get him going on fresh fruits that are soft, Bananas, pears, peaches, remove the skin from grapes and quarter them. remember soft and cut up into small pieces. Veggies you will need to steam them until fairly soft, then cut up. It's really fun to see them discover new foods!


  5. Until he gets more teeth, cook the fruits and veggies. Meats are difficult to gum...maybe small bites of bologna to start with.

  6. hi i had the same situation when my son was that age he had 4 teeth but still had issues with chunky food i ended up buying the gerber lil entrees all the veggies and fruit are nice and soft and the meats are real tender  hope this helps

  7. Teeth don't matter.  He can (and should) be eating anything he can gum up -- which would include most cooked veggies, soft fruits, meats, starches, etc. Just cut the meat up smalll and he'll do fine.

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