
Food and religion...please read?

by  |  earlier

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Say you are having a BBQ and are having friends over that practice a religion that says pork is bad and another friend tells you to cook the pork and not tell the other friends (who can't eat the pork)...would you do it? Would you respect the friends who practice this religion (that says pork is bad) and not cook the pork? What would you do?




  1. I would cook the pork and something that the friends could eat too.  A good hostess should accommodate and anticipate the needs of her guests.  If you cannot or will not, then you must change your plans and reschedule with them.

  2. I would respect the religious beliefs of my guest...Chicken, anyone?  

  3. I think that it would be horrible to lie like that to the ones that do not eat pork.  But just because they do not eat pork (as I also do not) does not mean you can't serve it to those who do want it and eat it.  I would respect both.  Just as the pork eaters and non pork eaters should respect one another.

  4. Please, whatever you do, do not lie to them and tell them that the pork is beef as it will be very distressing if and when they find out - to hide onions in someones food because they don't like then is one thing, to flat out lie about a meat that is not eaten because of religious beliefs is something else entirely.

    Cook all your beef and chicken dishes on the grill first and keep warm then cook the pork last as they will not be able to eat anything that was cooked on the same grill that pork was cooked on first and let them know that the meat is pork if you do decide to cook it.  Personally, I would not cook any pork and let the friend of your mother's who says to cook the pork and tell your in-laws that it is beef, bring her own pork dish if having pork is that important to her.


  5. i would respect my friends religious beliefs and not cook pork

  6. We should respect other people's beliefs & in return, others will respect what we believe in. Then every1 will be happy.

  7. what don't people understand..!!! PLEASE

    if you Know your Friends have religious food restrictions YOU HAVE failed at the start..

    You offer the invitation but unless they visit you often They will not show or They will bring their own pot luck dish and serving utensils..

    It becomes crazy with NO logic in today's food industry.

    but always offer your hospitality

  8. i would cook the pork before thy get there and keep it warm and then just carry on with the day! be open about it, don't lie to them but don't mention it (just make sure they don't eat it) just because they don't agree with doesn't mean you have to, they have to respect the fact that you eat pork the same way you have to respect the fact that they don't.  

  9. Honesty is the best policy.

    If you can't respect your friends enough to be honest, what kind of friend does that make you?

    If you really want to have the pork, do so.  Make it clear what you're serving and ask the others to bring an alternative dish that goes with whatever sides you have planned.

  10. A real friend would NEVER fool his friends with something this important!.  This is a very serious thing with some people.

    Would you like to eat DOG that a 'friend' told you was beef?

    I think not and I don't think you would consider him friend if he did!


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