
Food crisis in Germany? 10 points for detailed answer

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guys i m representing Germany in a school conference on food crisis....

can u guys tell me

1.what exactly is the problem of food crisis in Germany?

2. has Germany contributed to the food crisis (for eg. through trade barriers, subsidies, export bans, commodity rather than cash based aid etcetra.)

3. which countries are in the same boat as Germany( for eg. the Europen Union)

4. what should Germany do to alleviate the food crisis?

if u dont know all Qs, just answer the ones u know, gimme something, anything!!!!

plz answer in the format as i have asked questions (meaning as 1., 2.,3.,4.)

try to cite reliable web sources

god bless u if u can help




  1. Well the bakery answer earlier is rubbish. I am living in Germany. You are talking about a food crisis. Sounds a little bid like we were starving here ;-)

    1. we have rising food prices here as in most of the other countries as well. This is due to rising energy prices and general increase in food prices due to a shortage on the world market.

    2. a specific German problem in Germany is the milk price issue. The milk farmers have been complaining since years about low milk prices. In fact the milk price stayed almost on the same level as 15 years ago. 9 months ago milk prices went up but the diaries took all the money. Still no increase for the milk farmers. This brought along a price increase for many other products which contain milk (bread, butter, cheese, sweets). A few weeks ago the milk farmers stopped producing milk to force higher prices. They negotiated with the major retailers (ALDI, LIDL) and the diaries. Now the milk price again moved up slightly with the same effect on other products. The price for a litre milk was 0.55 Euro-Cent a year ago. Now it is 0.71.

    3. is a very German problem

    4. nothing. Inflation is just at 3.6%. But on a second thought: Germany was pushing ethanol mixtures for gasoline a lot. They dropped this now as ethanol is made out oof maize which is grown on fields were usually food for people is grown. This drives prices again because of a shortage in general food supply.

    More questions? Feel free to contact me:

  2. i dont want 10 points  

  3. Following WWII, germany had an oversupply of ovens. Not knowing what to do with them all, they decided to bake stuff. Baking stuff takes ingredients, which they had to buy from other countries. That led to a food shortage which continues to this day.

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