
Food frenzy help! Is this normal or no?

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I have a 10 gallon tank with 3 mollies, 1 female gourami (I'm getting a male for her this weekend), and a cory ( getting 2 for him this weekend also). Every time I feed my fish, the mollies steal all the food and leave none for my gourami, sometimes, they don't even eat the food, they just take it away and spit it out in front of the filter so the filter can suck it up and leave the gourami hungry. I have to feed him by hand now, taking fish food from between my finger, something most people use as a trick, not for saving a fishes life! She doesn't get to eat that much before the mollies come. Also, my single cory (which I didn't know was a schooling fish until after I bought it, I feel kinda mean) won't eat visable excess food, or is it just full?




  1. if you just got the gourami, it will take a while for it to get used to feeding in your tank. it may have been fed different food in the pet store, or even be fed at a different time. this is why feeding your fish at a set time is a good idea. competition for food in an aquarium is normal. the best thing to do is to adjust the amount of food you feed to your fish and watch to make sure they all get enough. hand feeding the fish is not a good idea because it the acids from your skin could pollute the water or harm the fish. always try to avoid skin contact with aquarium water

    the cories will eat excess food, but usually not during meal time. they are scavengers, and will look for food by sifting through the gravel. most species are nocturnal and will feed exclusively at night.

  2. it is normal for livebearers such as mollies to steal food just keep hand feeding your gourami so she won't starve and your cory is really suppose to eat algae so just go to the store and buy him some algae tablets/thins.

  3. The cory will eat algae so no worries there, but the mollies are always

    big pigs lol, put some food by the mollies and then put some more food by the gourami so that she will get it. I have two gouramis as well and my angels always get the food first, you could even hand feed it to her as long as shes not scared of you.

  4. cory's do not eat algea really, they require flake food or a shrimp pellet.

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