
Food from which country would you never ever try ever and why...?

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  1. ah si, este que significa en español?

  2. In México, the maguey's maggot :-S I'd like the mexican food so much, but the magotts, no way!  

  3. China!!!!

    Because I saw in tv that they eat dogs, cats, scorpions, anything that moves!!!!!


  4. There is a restaurant in China that offers goat p***s as an entree with a dipping sauce...

    enough said...  

  5. Sheep's Brain Sandwich from UAE, Oman, Yemen. It was said that eating sheep's brain will make us more intelligent. Well, I rather be a dumbass than eat something gross like that.

  6. Stinky tofu from Taiwan because Andrew Zimmern couldn't handle it.

  7. I would say any bug or insect or worms. OMG for gross. I wouldn't eat that because to me that's gross, but I do eat other things that people think is nasty. Such as ( intestines, tongue, brains, cow face, cow feet, and cow tail) Some of our favs. on tacos.

  8. nice nice chicken fired rice very very nice this chicken fried rice

  9. goat stomach from italy! omg how gross. I dont see how people eat that!

  10. Hagus from Ireland

  11. Balut from the Phillipines!

  12. I have eaten foods from around the world and the aged eggs from the Phillipines are the worst by far.

  13. I can think of some that I would be very cautious but otherwise I would try foods from any country.

  14. uhhh...i would try ANYTHING! i might not eat the whole thing but i'll try it!!!

    (is there a country that serves c**p from an animal? i won't eat that)

  15. the insects, and somo oriental food!!

  16. Hermano a duras p***s domíno el tzeltal, el mige, el guichol....EL MAME..y el tzotzil...hablame en cristiano por vida tuyita..hace favor¡¡¡¡

  17. the chinese and koreans to this day eat cats and dogs.  That is f'ing disgusting.  Makes me so sick to know they are doing that.  I have pets of my own and I can't imagine how anyone can eat them!!

    I think that chinamen and koreans just live in a backwards culture.  

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