
Food in my tooth extraction site??

by  |  earlier

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I got two baby teeth pulled last week on Wednesday. They are two bottom teeth, and I went to the ortho. today to have my bottom brackets put on, and everything is healing good.

I have a question though.... everytime I eat, some piece of food gets stuck in the hole where the tooth was. Its kinda annoying but usually it falls out eventually and i havent been messing with it cuz I dont wanna mess up the blood clot or something. now that I have my braces on theres a wire going across the hole so even if I wanted to pick a piece of food out I wouldnt be able to. would a piece of food stuck in my extraction site cause any problems?? u cant get an infection from it can u?? remember its been a week. thanks!!




  1. Swish with salt water, it should dislodge the food and prevent infection.Salt water also promotes healing of the extraction site.

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