
Food plan tips for running?

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I actually posted a question the other day on the training I'm starting for a half Marathon (13 miles, I'm a NEW runner, so if I stated it wrong, I'm sorry). My current weight is 320 pounds, but understand, I've been a power lifter for a long time, granted I do have way more fat than I should, but my overall athletic conditioning is not representative of my weight. What I'm trying to find out now is a diet (I'm also a vegiterian, but i do eat Salmon and Tuna), or more so, a dietary plan to incorporate with my training because I'm changing my body totally from bulk to lean muscle. So any tips are much appreciated, thanks!




  1. Bananas are a great runners food. Probably more carbs than protein if you want to lose some muscle, and just less food overall. Other than that: spinach, black beans, almonds, oranges (for recovery), apples (for joints), eggs, yogurt, raisins, oatmeal, smoothies, and carrots are great foods to keep you energized for running. If you run in the morning, try to eat some oatmeal/cereal or other carb for breakfast.

  2. Low Fat / High Aerobic

  3. You want a slow carb diet (i.e foods that release carbs  (energy) slowly over time) to fuel your long runs.

    I eat pasta (LOTS OF IT), wild salmon, and bananas religiously.

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