
Food poisoning or what?

by  |  earlier

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yesterday i had 2 hamburgers and 2 hot dogs that my friends made at this barbeque last night, this morning i cant stop throwing up and p**s is coming outta my but, its kind of gross but true. i also was drinking last night. do you think my friends undercooked the food or could it be the drinking




  1. oh honey, it's the drinking. slow down

  2. Probably a little of both. You gotta be careful!

  3. it is the combinations of the food the food was prabably undercooked and when you drank the beer it made it worse

  4. You might have food posioning...but if you drank too much beer and not any other fluids then it's likely that you have a hangover and that you are also dehydrated. Go to the doctor if your symptoms don't improve in 24 hours. Get plenty of rest and fluids. Eat some crackers or dry toast to ease your stomach. Good luck!

  5. Could be either one or a combination.  Make sure you drink plenty of water.  Actually, Gatorade would be better to replace your electrolytes.  If it continues into tomorrow, see a doctor.

  6. It may be salmonella if the burgers weren't cooked well.  Call a doctor.

  7. wow, you poor thing. Well it could be food poisoning or a stomach virus. Symtoms are similar. Drink lots of liquids to keep from dehydrating and take an anti-diarreal med like Immodium.  It will probably run its course and subside today. If you are still having problems after 3 days see a doctor.

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