
Food shortage?

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if when people started using corn as a fuel and their was a food shortage will there be an air shortage if they use hydrogen vehicles?

by the way its a joke, but if there are any problems with using hydrogen as a fuel please state them such as expensive factories




  1. We don't have a supply of free hydrogen.  It must be produced in processes that use MORE energy than the resultant hydrogen will produce.

  2. Hydrogen isn't considered an energy source, it's more of a way to store energy. Currently, electrolysis to produce hydrogen from water is very inefficient, but using nano-materials a company called QSI Quantumsphere has boosted efficiency to 85%. You still need enough energy to make up the difference but if you used solar or some other source for the electricity, you could produce the hydrogen as you need it, for combustion or to use in a fuel cell.

    It's risky to carry a tank of hydrogen in your car, it can be reduced to a liquid or even a solid metallic form, but that requires still more energy. The only by-product from using hydrogen is water so it won't reduce oxygen levels.

    Using corn to make fuel is stupid and inefficient, the US Department of Energy is testing the use of switchgrass to make ethanol and it appears it's far more efficient. Corn ethanol returns 25% more energy than it takes to produce it and requires good farmland to produce. Switchgrass not only uses marginal land that isn't now used for farming at all, but it returns 540% more energy than it takes to grow it. It also has a permanent root system that stores 94% of the CO2 produced from making it and burning it as a fuel, with fewer greenhouse gas emissions than corn ethanol.

    Either of these are very promising new ways to fuel cars in the future, with less or even no pollutants.

  3. well...its impossible to run out of air, just like the world still has the same amount of water it started with, it has the same amount of air too. if anything it might help...or just make the air worse

    i want a corn car...

  4. Well; don't worry about shortage of anything until dooms-day.

    If we develop technology to use hydrogen, we will develop it to perserve our needed environment.

    If we use corn ; we will develop a  system to perserve enough corn for our food.

    Anythig seeming getting out of control we will stop using it. There are numerous source of energy we can use. The only problem will be that switching frequently will prove costly.

    For millions rather billions of years we cannot use-up the whole energy ; if we see shortage , will mean that we are late on research but still energy will be there.

    So personally whatever may come , energy will be abundant.

    Only need will be to discover it and develop efficient tools to use it. Coal to Atomic, Wind to Solar thousands of types of energy will remain available always unless we burn out the earth with weapons.
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