
Food shortages in the US?

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What the heck is going on,

According to

America is in deep trouble, how can we dig ourselves out of this mess?




  1. According to youtube?

    You are suffering from a mental shortage.

  2. Stop using corn for ethanol. Corn byproducts are in most things we eat. The demand for corn has gone up so much, that the price has risen to. Farmers are planting corn instead of wheat because they get more money for corn. Shortage of wheat has caused wheat prices to rise. Can you believe that we import wheat from China? Along with the bald eagle, wheat is the symbol of this country. As people will say, the country is going to h**l in a handbasket. Guess what. The handbasket is made in China. What next?

  3. Well lets see I hope you can plant a garden and raise some food for youself--I do!!!

  4. The same people who are responsible for the credit crunch.

  5. A farmers favorite bumper sticker, 'Hungry?  Eat an Environmentalist'  

    In other words the ENVIRONMENTALISTS  are the DIRECT CAUSE of HIGHER food prices in the USA.  AND the coming FAMINE.    

    They and the 'ANIMAL RIGHTS' morons are responsible for the dead pets from poison pet food from China.  They outlawed butchering of horses for food.  So now dog food comes from China without meat for protein.  Dogs and cats are being fed 'grains' as tho they were goats.  

    The mess could be solved quickly if the Enviros would donate themselves to Soylent Green.

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