
Food <span title="Poisoning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">Poisoning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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My friend was at a restaurant yesterday lunchtime, and today he feels sick. he says he has been vomiting. I know this is because of the food poisoning at the restaurant. We called the restaurant but they hanged up. What do we do??




  1. First learn some grammar rules then contact a health inspector.

  2. go to hostipal fisrt they will report it

    its their job to do so

  3. Go there and say you want to speak to the manager!

    This could be serious for your friend...The workers that cooked the food  can get into alot of trouble for that,

    Dont call up GO THERE!!!

  4. he should go to the hospital right away to make sure thats what he got is food poisoning then I would contact a lawyer.

  5. Your friend should go to a doctor immediately and if indeed it is food poisoning, he should get documentation to that effect. He should then contact the Health Department in his area. Finally, he should take a COPY, not the original, documentation to the restaurant and request monetary compensation for the meal, the medical cost, time off work, etc. If the restaurant doesn&#039;t want to pay, he should take them to Small Claims court.

  6. i suggest that u should first contact health inspector incharge of the area and have him chart with your friend there and then he will decide on the appropriate steps on how to contact the restaurant and then next and next......

  7. Call the police!

  8. First off, go the ER of the hospital to make sure it is food poisoning. You need a doctor to verify that it is indeed food poisoning.

    After you find out it is food poisoning, call your local health food inspector. It should be under government agencies in your phone book.

    They will take care of it. I would also go to the restaurant, and tell them that you can verify that it was food poisoning.

  9. First find out what your friend ate that day at the restaurant.

    Usually salads are poisoning in restaurants.

    Than call up the restaruant and ask to speak to manager.

    If they hang up than drive to that restaurant anf give them c**p :)

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