
Food stamp help? Ive recently lost everything...?

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Due to a landlord illegally evicting me while i was out of town, with rent even paid on time. He took all my sscards and birthcertificates for me and my children. Ive been staying 3hrs away from my -old- home taking care of a very ill family member. A lot has changed in my life recently, husband was laid off from honda and we are more than likely expecting another baby, no thanks to a 5year IUD. 2 of my children were born in Portland oregon, and we live in ohio now, and just in ohio its a 10 hr round trip to collect everyones birthcertificates. Will Job and Family services help us even if i cannot get all the information they need?




  1. Check with local churches, often they have "food pantries" that you can get non-perishables from.  Call your local Trustee, they are also there to help with emergency services.  Do you know anyone that can handle your long distance situation?  Do you have previous employers that have copies of the SS cards?  Often you can access you local trustee by using the school system your children are in.  I live in Union Township....that would be the Trustee I contact.  There are also services like WIC if your children are under 5, sometimes with the circumstances they can give you emergency checks or temporary acceptance in the program until you are able to produce needed documentation.  Make a lot of phone calls there is someone out there to help.  Meanwhile get together a garage sale for extra cash; with your husband off work there is plenty of time to get things done.  Things work out in the long run.  Look into reduce reuse and recycle...many times you can go months without consuming much....join frugal living sites and stuff of this nature to educate yourself on how to live very simplistic.  Email me if you want some more ideas because I have learned to live VERY CHEAP since I am a Mother and full-time student.  Best Wishes

  2. You need to get the police on this one.

    He cannot do that and has to give you an eviction notice and time to move out. If you have a copy of your lease and receipts that you paid your rent on time then you should get your house back and he should go to jail.  

  3. why dont you call the police if you were illegally evicted and your property was stolen?  i think that would be the best thing rather than waiting for food stamps.

  4. Talk to the police and/ or county sheriff about your missing cards and certificates.  Your ex-landlord is not entitled to hold those for any reason

  5. No, you need to make that trip. While you're at it, demand a refund since he did it illegally.

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