
Food stamps??......?

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I am 22 years old.And i am unemployed and i only get $277 every two weeks.and it is not enough for me to live on i have to pay my Dad $420 for rent which is every month.And i can't eat food from his fridge so i have to buy my own things i need for myself and girlfriend such as FOOD of course and shampoo soap and ect. And i live with my girlfriend which i am not saying its a bad thing that where living together except she doesn't have a job and its hard for her to find one right now.

And i just want to know if i will be able to get food stamps in this situation.

I live in California





  1. get a job.  talk to a college advisor about a work study program.

  2. If you are living with your girlfriend why are you paying your dad rent?  You both need to suck it up and take any job you can find.  Fast food places hire every day.  Times are tuff, I know that, but I doubt you can get food stamps unless you have a child.  And please don't have one just to get governmental assistance.

  3. I think you could get help. Go to your local DHS and fill the form out, they should tell you right then if you can get it or not. It is worth a try. Also, no one can find a job now ny husband has a BA and can not so were moving over seas just for him to get a job.

    Your dad btw WOW thats sad he does not want to help you out like that.

  4. I guess I'm wondering why you are unemployed.  You should be out there everyday, all day, pounding the pavement until you find a full-time job, or two part-time jobs.  I'm saying this assuming that you're not disabled, which you're probably not becuase then you'd be on disability.  Instead of wondering about food stamps you should seriously be seeking a job.  

    Why should taxpayers support you?  Seriously, my husband and I work hard everyday and it's not to support you.

    I live in Ca also.

  5. JOB?!?!?!?!

  6. You might qualify, at least temporary.  Also, they can help you find a job or get job training.  These resources are out there for people who need them.  Not to abuse them but just use them until you get on your feet.  I even believe they help with transportation to or from work.  They also might have an allowance program to help you find a car if you do not have one.

  7. Not unless you have a baby or child living with you or you are found to have a mental illness or disability that limits you job abilities.
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