
Food storage method question?

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some food storage container use to have vent (small holes) this type container manufacturing company use to say due to small holes oxygen circulation will be there and food going to get oxygen which is good and some food storage container use to have vacuum inside here theory is most living o****m require oxygen to live so bactaria etc do not going to grow and spoil food which is good. from this two theory which one is right?




  1. Containers with holes are designed to allow biological  activity to continue when that activity is needed to bring the food to maturity but keep its flavour acceptable.

    Holes however are never for very long term freezer storage. Food in them will dehydrate (freezer burn).

    Neither package type is acceptable for cooking in the bag unless they are specifically recommended for that. This means any cooking and cooling should be done before sealing, or after removing from the container.

  2. vents will keep you veggies crisp, vacume seal will keep every thing longer(like when frozen) so they are both right,  

  3. I always have small bugs get in through the holes.

  4. Mostly, I think those things are designed to sell containers and vacuums and bags. But there are some logical reasons for both. Ripening fruits and vegetables produce Ethylene gas. If the gas is trapped in an air tight container they will over ripen and spoil pretty fast. The holes would let O2 in but more important, let the Ethylene gas out. So they are good for fresh foods. The vacuum bags are good for meats and cooked foods for the reasons you mentioned, as well as preventing freezer burn on frozen foods.

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