
Foods made without dairy....?

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The doctor suspects my 3 year old son might have a slight milk allergy. He wants to us to remove it from his diet for two weeks to see if there is any improvement in his skin color, nasal congestion, etc.

Here's my question....

what can I feed this child for two weeks? I have two three year olds so I need to have a variety to pick from. I know that i can cook plain meat, fresh fruit and veggies but I need some suggestions. What kind of bread can we give him? Does macaroni / pasta have milk products in it? and what is a satisfying alternative for breakfast (right now he eats at least 1, if not 2, yogurts for breakfast).

I'll take any and all help and suggestions.

Thank you in advance.




  1. There are many, many options.  

    As for your specific questions:

    Most macaroni/pasta sauces have some kind of dairy, but the pasta itself usually does not.

    Many store-bought breads are made without milk, or you could bake some of your own substituting rice or soy milk into the recipe.

    If he likes yogurt for breakfast, give soy yogurt a try!  Silk makes a delicious lime flavor.

    Hope it turns out well!  Trying to go dairy-free is a lot harder than it sounds.  Be careful of hidden milk such as things that contain whey.

    This has been a useful site for me:

  2. You are fine with bread and pasta. Have him try Soy Milk - a lot of people drink it (never tried it)  in his cereal.

    Stay away from cheese too.

  3. No pasta is made with flour , eggs and oil.   Just check back of ingredients if anything you make is boxed.   Its pretty simple, no milk , no cheese , no yogurt,  no ice cream.  You can build meals around this.  breakfast , fruit, bread,  you can make him eggs.  Granola,  check some brands of pancakes.

  4. What you need is too much info for this little space here.  Join some yahoo groups like Sillyyaks or GFCFrecipes.  They have children who have to be off of different foods like wheat, dairy, soy, egg, etc.  They can definitely get you started.  It is worth the health of your child.  If an allergy is let go, nothing is done about it, later in life it can cause auto immune diseases that were preventable.  

    An example is a gluten allergy, one left to go without dietary restrictions cause intestinal damage so bad that the villi do not work, do not absorb the nutrients from the food eaten.  This person develops osteoporosis, thyroid disorders, etc. that were preventable.

    Definitely seek out the above yahoo groups and ask for help.  They have the expertise from being real people that have gone through/ are going through your experience.  :-)

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