
Foods to watch out for if you're Vegan?

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What are some foods that you wouldn't have guessed had non-vegan ingredients but do?




  1. What vegans do not eat are any foods that contains animals or is a by product of animals. Such as all meat, dairy (and it's byproducts such as whey & butter), sea animals, eggs , honey. For detailed information:

  2. If you are buying groceries you need to read the labels. Several companies label their food vegan. In time you start to know what to there is vegan and is not. If you are going to be very strict look out for all sorts of items and get a book that lists all animal derived ingredients.

  3. meat


  4. in our place we have Green Earth cafe.. the food are nice and delicious.. they have barbecue, pork chop, spaghetti.. all are delicious, but here.. would you believe they're all made of vegetables?! h**l yeah!!! and they don't taste veggies at all.. ha ha.. i asked one of the waitresses there and she said the food, or the "meat", was made from soy.. and believe me, it tastes great! ^_^

  5. Vegetable soup. You would not believe how many vegetable soups I come across that have milk, cheese or cream in them.

    Always! read the label on vegetable soup. You'd think that being vegetables they'd be safe, but it's not always the case.

    I agree with the pasta one, alot of pasta has egg in it.

    Bread is another one, alot of brands put milk in their bread.

  6. don't eat things with Red 40. It is made out of animal products.

  7. Aside from pre-assembled foods (like some veggie burgers, etc.), look out for foods made of gelatin, which is made from animals. That includes Jello and some puddings, but also marshmallows and lots of candies. Things made with honey and butter. Also, I've noticed that even some products labeled as "soy" or "dairy-free" products still contain milk proteins. I don't know what that means exactly, but I guess they're made from cow milk...

  8. A lot of the ones where you find hidden non-vegetarian ingredients: baked snack goods. You also want to watch out for fresh pastas, which usually contain eggs. Other than that, they're fairly obvious. :-) Start reading labels.  

  9. Always, always, ALWAYS read the ingredients of the foods you buy!!!  That's part of being a vegan.  Watch out for ingredients like egg whites, whey, chicken broth, honey and milk.

  10. cows

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